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[ 1983 ]
a longing summer of temporary love


Marco lies on his bed, eyes awake as he watches a scene.

once again, another scene he wishes to put into a movie one day.

the older watches his dear, star filled lover get dressed in the early morning. Kyong shrugs on a lime sweater, one that Marco accepts for the upcoming autumn. his obscure, skinny jeans cling onto his thighs and he plays around with rings and earrings as he stares in the prolonged mirror, fitting his fine self.

Marco leans his head on his palm, legs raising as he lies on his stomach. he loves watching his boyfriend, the other not knowing what's running through his mind and his body. the sight of Kyong in neat, black curls, sleepy eyes, a cuddly sweater and boots is something Marco wants to capture.

Marco groans.

"what's wrong?" naive, good looking Kyong asks as he slips on a few rings, bringing his whole look together. the silver, bleak rings decorate his narrow, bony fingers before he runs them through his thick locks- all whilst looking at flustered, emotion filled Marco.

"just come here."

Kyong crouches down in front of laying Marco on the bed. round eyes on show as he concentrates on his boyfriend, hands itching to touch each other.

"why must you be so fucking fine?" Marco asks, resisting another groan when his eyes scan over a kissable jawline, cheeks and lips.

i should be asking you that- Kyong thinks but decides to go with his cocky self. "it's natural, what can i say?" he presses a teasing kiss to Marco's lips, brushing dangerously.

Marco massages the back of Kyong's neck, playing with the ends of his dreary hair. their eyes maintain contact as love swarms the atmosphere. "you're going to do amazing today." he reassures, being kind and caring.

it's Kyong's first day of university, after a long, aching summer. the younger is excited to get out more, be productive and learn new things. even if he's studying for a medical degree- rather than animation, he knows it'll be good for his future. it doesn't matter about his own likes, he has to think about his career and life in the long run. what will benefit him and get him a job easily?

although, he'll miss the carefree nature of summer with his brother, friends and lover. the unexpected butterflies, the hose water fights, the grass under his feet, the scorching sunshine and the late, effortless nights. Kyong knows there'll always be another summer so he isn't worrying.

as Kyong sorts out his rustling backpack, calm Marco looks around his boyfriends neat, pretty bedroom and comes across a letter in an envelope. a lettered offer from an American university- a degree on animation.


a pink haired, smiling Jaylen blesses the Reyes house with his presence.

he knocks gently before strolling inside, engulfing Marco's younger sisters in one big group hug. Jaylen smiles along with them, the kids innocence laughter making his mood even better. the eye smiles, the upward lips, the flawless eyebrows and the vibrant outfit makes Marco smile in utter happiness.

Marco suffocates Jaylen's shoulder with a massive, warm hug where they smile ear to ear. his best friend looks so happy. and this time it's genuine.

the younger drags his best friend out into the front yard, their sides glued to each other as they start to catch up and discuss Jaylen's spirited, carefree and happier nature today.

Jaylen brushes his bangs forward, plastered onto his forehead as stardust sprinkles onto his cheeks. he feels so warm. "i'm happy." the older boy states, feeding the giddiness in his veins. "the time i had to myself made me more relieved to be with me. i learnt about me and got to grow." there's sincerity in the way he talks.

Marco grins- their smiles matching. "did it help?" being apart?

"yes." Jaylen replies and Oscar walks out from behind him- both looking happier and healthier.

woop for the win

last chapter soon :(

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