Chapter 36

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*Ali's POV* 

I wakeup early to Anna shaking my shoulder. I look up at her and she nods her head towards the balcony door. I follow her out, knowing exactly what we need to talk about. 

"I need to tell Luke as soon as possible," she says. 

"I'm right here for you, do you want to tell him with us or by yourself?" I ask. 

"Uh, I'd like to tell him by ourselves and then I'd like to tell the group together," she says. 

"Just go to your room and tell him," I say shrugging and she nods her head. 

"I will do just that," she says and she walks back into the bedroom. I stay out on the balcony just thinking for a moment when I hear the door open, I ignore it until I feel two arms wrap around my waist. 

"Good morning," I hear Calum mumble in his morning voice and I smile. 

"Good morning," I reply and he kisses the top of my head. I then turned around and he kisses the tip of my nose. 

"You missed," I say and he chuckles before kissing my lips briefly. I laugh and he smiles. We both sit down on the sofa on the balcony and start talking. 

"We're meeting up with Justice Crew boys this morning for lunch," Cal says and I nod excitedly. 

"Anna can tell you all the news," I say and he looks confused. 

"What news?" he asks. 

"She has to tell you herself," I reply and he shrugs. 

*Anna's POV (this is a little different huh?)*

I walked down the hallway slowly, my heart thumping in my chest. I knew I had to tell him right away. If I didn't I would feel guilty. I grabbed my keycard when I reached the room and quickly opened the door. 

"Hey babe," Luke says when I enter the room. I go straight over to him and kiss him, because who know's how he'll take this news? It could be the last time I ever kiss him. 

"What's wrong?" Luke asks pulling my head up to look straight in my eyes.

"I have some news," I reply and Luke moves his hands, motioning me to continue, "You may want to sit."

"Ok," he says before sitting on the bed. "What's up?" he continued. 

"This is a little shocking but, I'm pregnant and I want to keep it," I say hurriedly and he looks at me. We have a stare off for a while. Suddenly a knock comes on the door.

"Room service!" a voice calls and I quickly walk to the door and open it. A lady walks in with the trolly and places food on the table.

"Thank you," I say and she nods, smiling. I then turn back to Luke as the lady lets herself out. 

"I'm gonna be a daddy?" Luke asks and I nod my head a little. 

"Oh my god!" he screams before launching off the bed and picking me up and twirling me around. I laugh before kissing his lips and he sets me on the floor. 

"We're gonna do this," Luke says and I nod.

"Yea we are," I reply and he grins again before kissing my lips. We eat our food and Luke gets excited again.

"Let's go tell everyone," Luke screams before running out of the room and down the hall. I walk seeing as I don't want to do something that would jeaopardize the little baby growing inside of me. I know it sounds stupid ut you never know. 

"Oh right," Luke says and he runs back and grabs my hand and walks with me. 

"Ok, let's do this," I say and Luke grins. He knocks on the door and Ali opens it. 

"We're telling everyone the good news, is everyone still here?"  I ask and she nods. 

"Ash and Mikey just got here," she says and we smile. 

"Everyone sit down!" Ali screams. 

"We have some news," Luke says and I look up at my boyfriend.

"You're getting married?!" Ash screams. 

"No, you're quitting the band?" Cal pouts. 

"No, you're in trouble with management?" Mikey guesses and pouts. 

"No! Stop! We'll tell you if you give us the chance," I say and they all look at me. 

"We're gonna be parents, Anna's pregnant," Luke says and wraps an arm around my waist. 

"Yes!" Michael scream. 

"We're gonna be Uncles... almost!" Calum screams and I laugh. 

"Indeed," I say and they all hug us. 

"We can go shopping for little kids clothes! Oh my god aw!" Amy screams and I laugh. 

"We can dress him or her up in little costumes!" Els squeals and we all laugh. Suddenly Ali's phone beeps and we all look at her. None of the group had their phones out, we're all the people that have her phone number- us and a few staff members and her family. 

"Who is it!?" everyone asks. 

"It's 'A' again," Ali says and in that moment the toilet flushes and Des walks out of the bathroom. 

"Oh shit," Cal says and picks up Ali's phone. 

"We need to sort this out," Luke says and all nod. 

"Time to call the experts," Els says and we all nod. 

*Ali's POV*

~~~~Time Lapse~~~~

"So this is what you meant by experts?" I ask as we look at the PI's sitting in front of us eating. 

"We can't get the police involved, there'd be too much media attention aqquired, so next best thing," Luke says. 

"Oh," I say and Cal puts an arm around my shoulder. 

"We need your phone," one of the private investigators says as they finish eating their food. I hand them my phone and they scroll through the messages. 

"Have you tried replying?" one asks. 

"No, there's no point," I say and they shrug. 

"Fair enough, now there's two of us so we'll get better results, which means more money," the PI with the red hair says. They get up and leave, taking my phone with them. 

"Oh ok then," I say rolling my eyes. 

"Rude," Cal says and we all shrug. We sit around and wait for Justice Crew to turn up. 

"Ali! We came to see you and the boys last night but you weren't there!" John says and I shrug. 

"Sorry, I was hanging with the girls and this cutie," I say as Kami takes a seat on my lap.

"She's so cute!" Samson squeals and I shrug. 

"I know, she's Calums cousin," I reply and the boys play with Kami. 

"May I take your order?" a waitress asks and we all order. 

**A/N HEY GUYS! 5.9k! Very exciting! :) Thank you for your support everyone. I know its a really cliché fanfiction and all but I'm hoping to work on that :D Anywhore, have a fabulous weeke :P ** 

Just The Best Friend- CH *Completed*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora