Crying Sammy x comforting reader

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Requested by: @InkCatWarrior
We had thunder and lightning at school yesterday, it's my favourite weather followed by fog!
[female reader]

Sammy burst through the door to our apartment and chucked all his things on the ground. Myself, being his best friend, knew something was wrong. He ran to his room and slammed the door shut. I finished adding the sprinkles of chocolate to my desert and put it in the fridge for later tonight. I went to his room's door and gently knocked. All I could hear was his quiet sobs. I opened the door to find Sammy collapsed on his bed. I went over to him and patted his back. He flipped over and sat up, kissing me gently. His tears pressed against my cheeks. "I love you." He breathed as he pulled away from the kiss.

So sorry I forgot to post this morning! I had this chapter all done but then I was rushing to get ready for School and I forgot... I feel really bad. >_<
I love the picture at the top. It's so cute!


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