Preference: Affection

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I got this idea from another one shot book, I'll shoutout who wrote it when the book actually lets me see.

Likes to flirt, usually joking around when doing so. Likes to make you blush and giggle. Finds everything about you amazing.

Not really into deep relationships. Will snuggle with you, and keep you safe. Your safety if his first priority.

Your 'knight in shining armour'. He's always helping to the best of his ability, whilst making you smile at his bad jokes and puns.

Similar to Bendy, likes to flirt a lot. He loves the sight of your reddened face after realising what he'd said.

Will sneak up behind you while you're sat down, and will start playing with your locks. She loves the softness of your hair.

He will suddenly disappear when you aren't looking, and will come back minuets later. With some kind of present to show he loves you.

No matter where or when. Sammy'll just walk in and kiss you, sometimes deepening it. A serious charmer.

Ink Bendy:
Come up behind you, and lift you into the air, getting a small reaction out of you. Gently squeeze you to earn that adorable 'squeak'.

Tells you how much he loves you and you mean everything to him. Makes you feel happy, and can kick those bad feelings and problems out of the window.

Doesn't always have time to show you his affection. But when he does, he will take as long as possible. He'll kiss you multiple times, hug you, and never shut up about your beauty.

So I know that's not everyone, but some characters I don't think many people can imagine a little fluff with them. Like Grant for instance, I'm having trouble imagining what he'd do to show affection.


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