Susie x Reader

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[female reader]

I jumped out of bed, and ran to my brother's room. "Wake up you fat lump!" I yelled as I yanked off his duvets. He groaned. "C'mon Sammy! Wake up! Joey'll be mad if we're late!" I yelled again, hitting him with a pillow. He rolled out of bed, sighing. I threw his crinkled clothes at him, running back into my room to get dressed. I flicked on my radio, cranking up the volume, dancing around the room as I grabbed my clothes. I hummed the lyrics as I pulled on a black skirt and threw on a black button-up shirt. I heard Sammy knocking on my door, so I turned off my radio, and shoved some odd socks on my tiny feet. I opened my door, slightly out of breath from the rush. "Ready for your second week Sheep?" Sammy asked me. I jumped downstairs, exited. We rushed out of the house and into Sammy's car.

—Time Skip—

We arrived just on time. Joey nodded and told us to go down to the Music Department. I was even more excited because I'd get to see my crush, Susie. Yes, I think she didn't like girls like that, but I'm bi. I like all genders! I saw the woman and waved. She ran up to me and hugged me. She dragged me to the recording booth, and sat me down on one of the tiny stools. I smiled at her. She bent down and what she did next caught me off guard. She kissed me! She pulled away, blushing slightly. I giggled and stood up, pulling her over to me. I kissed her, forgetting that everyone was in the huge theatre room. They were all looking at us, including my brother. I looked through the glass and gave a shy smile. Everyone started clapping, which caused Joey to burst in. He got everyone back to work, including me and Susie. I wasn't exactly focused though, there was one single thought that was in my head.

Susie loves me.

Hi. Don't know what this was, but it was kinda fun writing it. I enjoyed writing it at least.


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