Bendy x Reader

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[female reader]

Dear Henry,

It seems like a lifetime since we've worked on cartoons together. 30 years really slips away, doesn't it?

If you're back in town come visit the old workshop. I've got something I want to show you.

Your best pal, Joey Drew.

My eyes scanned through the crumpled note as I let out a loud sigh. "So that's where dad went." I muttered, slipping on my jacket and shoes. I walked for ten whole minutes until I arrived at my dad's old work place. I opened the door with a creak. I walked down the hallway, not noticing the entrance door lock. I soon spotted a dark figure writing on the wall with its... hand? "Um hello?" I asked, startling the creature. It span around only to stare at me in shock. "I'm here to find my dad, Henry." I whispered out of shyness. It smirked, which made me realise who it was. "Hello, I'm Bendy!" It chirped, coming over to me. It stroked my arm, relaxing me a little. It stroked my (h/c) hair, calming me even more. I leaned into his touch, completely relaxed. "That's right my little darling. You're mine now." Bendy purred as I span around and hugged him. He grinned even more and kissed my cheek, making me blush. "You're mine now (Y/n)." He purred even more, pulling me closer to his inky body.


Okay, I think Bendy x Reader stories are my favourite by far... Anyway, sorry I zoned out a little there. This one's kinda bad, but I'm a little rushed today. I'll do more with Bendy soon.


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