Alice Angel x shy male reader

502 10 8

Requested by: @Nic479
[male reader]

I sneezed, making a loud echo. Giggling came from the hallway to my right. The angel I'd heard rumours about came up to me, her footsteps being the loudest thing in the studio. I fell backwards, landing on my butt, against the wall. "Hello there darlin'~" She purred, towering over me. I put my hands over my face, nervous of the beauty before me. "C'mon don't be shy honey. I don't bite~" Alice sung, wiping a strand of my hair from my eye. She giggled again, dragging me to my feet. I stood up and looked at the rotting ground, rubbing my arm. The angel lifted my head, my eyes looking right into hers. "You're quite the shy one darlin'. I like that." She flirted, smiling.

I hope this was okay! As you guys probably know, this is my second time writing a male reader. I'm not very experienced with writing these.

Thank you for the request!


Batim oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora