Wally x reader

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Oh how the tables have turned. I was thinking I could get maybe Henry or Sammy to intrude in on this. Maybe even Joey! Oooo. The options are gonna be so good! Also, this is one of those 'high school oneshots'.

[female reader]

I was stood outside of Sillyvision High. I sighed as I spotted Allison fighting with Susie again. It wasn't a surprise that they'd be fighting, as they absolutely hated each other. I looked away from the savages to find Thomas sprinting towards me, Wally right behind him. I smiled and waved at my best friends. They stopped in front of me, out of breath. "(Y/n)! Wally wants to tell you something!" Thomas said in a calm tone, pushing Wally towards me. I smiled and a light pink colour appeared on his cheeks. 'Awww he's so cute!' My inside voice sang in an annoying tone. To be honest though, he was kinda adorable. He rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a few mumbled words I couldn't catch. "(Y/n)... I-I... I dunno how to put this..." Wally said. I looked at him curiously, awaiting the 'thing' he was going to tell me. He grumbled again and leaned towards me, closing the gap between us. His soft lips brushed against my own, making me turn as red as a tomato. He suddenly pressed his lips fully against mine, holding onto my waist. I instantly tangled my fingers in his messy, curly locks. Thomas and Joey were taking pictures of us, and everyone's eyes were on us. I didn't care, and Wally didn't either. I smiled and pulled away, happy. "I love you (Y/n). I love you." Wally whispered.


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