Ink Bendy x caring reader

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[female reader]

Ink Bendy's POV:

I got ready to scare whoever was dumb enough to turn on the Ink Machine. They got closer, and closer until I popped up, going to grab them. But they just stood there, looking into my lonely soul. "Hello." She stated, looking up at me. I stopped trying to rip her face off, and looked into her caring eyes. I slowly melted into a puddle, popping up behind her. She jumped as I tapped her shoulder. "Oh. Just you. Um. Are you okay?" She asked, worried for no reason. I thought for a moment before shaking my head slightly. She gasped and hugged me, my ink staining her clothes and getting in her luscious hair. "Whatever is wrong, I'll make right. I promise!" She said, hugging me tighter. I just smiled down at her, falling for her ever so slightly with every passing second.

Sorry it's short but I'll do another chapter soon! (Probably tomorrow morning).


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