Chapter 39: What went wrong

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Here is the explanation. Finally!

By the way I totally forgot Tink was with Regina, so now you have a lot more of her.

Something pretty bad must have happened, so that they could be held responsible for one of their children's deaths. Emma winces at the ridiculousness of her own thoughts. Yes, her life is series of bizarre events.

And now this.

Her or Regina, or maybe both are being blamed for their future offspring's death.

Only in her life.

"What happened?"

She hears Reina's soft voice behind her. She looks over her shoulder and sees watery brown eyes that stare ahead almost like they are numb. Emma knows that whatever Regina is feeling right now is going straight to Reina's heart.

The curse of the twin.

"What happened?" Lina repeats, dragging every single letter of the words antagonizing slow; as if she wants them to suffer the same way she did. Somewhere, in the back of her mind she knows that those are not her parents and thus they are not responsible for what happened; but her broken heart feels different. She has to let out all that rage build up inside of her somewhere. And what better way than her parents' past. "You have the audacity to ask me what happened?" She throws a deadly glare at her brunette mother. "I'll tell you what happened." She even takes a step forward.

"You killed my brother by letting him travel between realms. AloneUnprepared. Because he is the fucking man of the house. His magic wasn't shown yet and you let him go." Lina's vein on her forehead pops out dangerously, while she nearly screams the story. The memory of her brother's lifeless body flash before her eyes, causing tears to fall down her cheeks. She wipes them with the back of her hand, sniffs and shakes her head. Her voice is now low, dangerously low. "He… He wasn't ready to fight. He was only nineteen."

The story is shocking., almost unbelievable and makes Emma wonder how in the world she could have allowed her teenaged son to go alone. She would, so something out of the ordinary must have happened. That, or he went there alone on his own despite his mothers' warnings. To prove to them he was a man. Probably that is the case but she can't tell by looking into Lina's face. Not right now. The girl is too overwhelmed by the story and there is no telling how she might react to that accusation.

She wipes her own tears and nods. "I understand why you are angry. I really do. But what would attacking us would change?" Her blue eyes find her daughter's.

"Peace." Lina fires back and takes deep breath, her eyes on her brunette mother. She wonders why there is nothing coming from the former Queen. She has always been the nurturing mother, the one to hug and reassure to touch and heal. And now she is standing there, tears streaming down her face and doing… nothing. Swallowing hard, she decides to elaborate. "It's going to give me peace. I can't do much in my time but here I can."

There is a moment of complete and utter silence. One that is so deafening that Tink is actually afraid of. And with reason.

The next moment Regina screams, from the top of her lungs. The sound pierces through the blonde's ears. She covers them but it is too late. The devastating sound has reached inside her ear. It hurts but she knows it's nothing compared to how her friend must feel right now.

"No, no, no." Regina repeats and shakes her head, left to right and her body back and forth. This can't be happening to her. This must be some kind of dream, alternative reality. Or maybe some kind of punishment for her. Maybe even a test that she is supposed to pass.

MAGIC INCIDENT (GxG)(Emma x Regina)(ONCE UPON A TIME)(GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now