Chapter 41: Structures

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Regina knows why Emma ran off. She is a runner. That is what she is best in and this situation is no exception.


It is because it involves their future children and the death of one of them. For which Emma considers herself responsible for.

And she is in some way. Regina can see that. The talk that she and Nicky had would push the teen to go on this journey alone and unprepared, finding his early demise.


Nicky would be born female or so everyone would think until puberty hit and his body would start to develop more male features. Thus confusing the boy even more because he would not have his magic yet.

Which in every cases known to Regina should be happening.

She shakes her head and stops her car on the beach parking lot. Her eyes scan the area and lands on the wooden castle that is still standing on the left side of the beach area. Sighing she gets out of the car, locking it and heads towards the castle. Few steps later she is able to see the figure of her wife sitting inside.

Emma wraps her hands around her middle tighter and rocks back and forth. Her legs crossed in the famous Turkish style, her gaze sliding over the what seems to be endless water. It is only blue, waves showing here and there because there is no wind tonight. A calm night it is which can't be said about Emma's soul.

She is not fighting with herself because she knows that her words caused her child's death. She would hint what could be done and he would be foolish enough to go out there. Alone.

A groan tears the silence as Emma runs hands through her hair, completely missing her wife's approaching steps.

"Good thing it still stands. So I can found you easy." Regina says, climbing next to the other woman. With a few grunts she is sitting next to her, legs outstretch forward. "You can't blame yourself for what's about to happen." She starts when Emma just rolls her eyes.

"I sure can and you are not stopping me." Emma snaps without even looking at her.

"Don't use that tone with me." Regina warns, rubbing her belly on an instinct. "I understand you are angry but be careful with me."

Emma takes slow and deep breath, exhaling slow as well. She knows that Regina is right and she can't talk to her like that. Especially after what she has done. It's just that her rage is building up quickly and she doesn't know how to stop the process. So she mumbles a "sorry" and keeps on staring into the water.

"Now try with a little more feeling, dear." Regina is not impressed with the reply. It is expected given the circumstances but it does not excuse her.

Emma swallows and turns her whole body until its facing her wife's. Blue eyes finally meet brown ones. "Sorry..."

It's barely a whisper but Regina sees the regret in her favorite eyes, after Henry's. She knows that Emma is ticking bomb of emotions right now. Anyone would be in her place. "Apology accepted but you need to get yourself together. I'm in the beginning of the pregnancy and I am going to need you. You can have a moment of melt down because of the future but then you have to get up and be by my side. So if you want, I can leave you here and wait for you in our bed."

Emma snorts and shakes her head. This is soooo her Regina. "Nah, I prefer to break down before you." She reaches out and cups Regina's chin. "I love you for being like that. And I don't deserve you. Especially after what I'm about to do in the future to our kid. Nah..." Her blond hair moves with the shake of her head. "You are better off without me."

Regina leans into the touch of the soft hand that has shown her so much love. "I wouldn't be able to live without your mess of a soul, Emma. I just know it. We need each other and together we are going through this, right?"

MAGIC INCIDENT (GxG)(Emma x Regina)(ONCE UPON A TIME)(GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now