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The 'Truest Love of Them All' is a myth." Regina repeated more to herself because if it's true then... Fuck. And the cloud that surrounds the whole town just screams fuck.

She wrapped her robe tighter around her body. Hoping that time would stop, she sighed.

Apparently Emma, who was still sitting in bed wearing nothing but a bed sheet, was the only one who found Tink poofing in on them to be bizarre and uncomfortable.

Tink was smirking, eyes going back and forth between the two women before her. She was still sitting primly in the space between them.

"The oldest truths are considered myth until they happen."

Regina turned to regard the fairy. Her face giving way to her concern. This cannot be truth. She slowly stepped towards the bed.

"Someone care to explain all this to me?" Emma says waving her hand in the air exaggeratedly. It's was like Regina and Tink were talking some strange foreign language that she didn't understand and on top of that they failed to enlighten her.

"The myth says..." Regina starts, now seated on the edge of the bed, near her wife and facing the fairy.

"The truth…" Tink corrects her as she sits on the little white lounge that is placed near the window, "says that this is The Truest Love of them all. All other True Loves originate from it. It isn't just once in a lifetime. It doesn't happen relatively often. Like once every four-five centuries." Tink explains calmly in effort to punctuate her point. Her eyes never leaving those of the couple before her.

Though she knows Regina has been told about this, she wants to make sure that she is truly informed on the matter.

Emma looks at the other blonde. She blinks rapidly believing that the scene in front of her to be some kind of dream; she hopes that she is still sleeping, and Tink's presence is just a bad part.

"It is the sign of a new era that is coming upon human kind." The fairy continues. "It changes the definition of love itself. It shifts the energy fields. It is from this that the idea of two people being meant for each other will have an entirely new meaning."

"It is capable of creating life where there otherwise couldn't be," the realization dawned on Regina. She looked over at Tink for confirmation.

The blonde just nodded at her.

Then Regina turned to Emma.

"It is the only kind of magic to have been known to create life from two women. And that is exactly how it happened with us. You got magical penis because our biological clock as couple, not individuals, was ticking. We are ready for that next step and being Truest Loves gave what we were missing." Regina explains further.

"The only question I have..." she turns to Tink "…is why Blue didn't mention this to me at all?"

"You would actually believe that fucking fairy?" Tink's eyebrows lifted up in astonishment. She couldn't believe that anyone would ever believe a sound that came from Blue's mouth. "She has never been completely honest with anyone. The fact that she is the head fairy doesn't make stop her from being deceptive." She shakes her head.

"That fucking fairy!" Emma curses.

"I suppose she wanted to have a head start. She knew you would figure it out sooner rather than later, so she thought it best to beat you to it."

"What race? Where are we are racing to?" Regina wonders.

"Blue just wants to be that first in everything. I bet she is planning something." Tink expressed.

MAGIC INCIDENT (GxG)(Emma x Regina)(ONCE UPON A TIME)(GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now