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"Hi," Regina greets her sister as soon as she makes it through the portal.

Looking around she finds herself in her old castle. The room is not as big as she remembers it but it's filled with guards. Five men dressed in black ready to cut anyone who trespasses there.

Reina is standing in the middle of the small room and lowers her hands. Her magic disappearing from her.

"Why is the portal is here?" Regina wonders.

"It's easier to be defended. There are guards 24/7." Reina puts her hands in the pockets of her coat. The cloth is the combination of the two words. Its frame is much like Regina's coat but it reaches the ground. "Why are you here?"

"Apparently Emma and I are the Truest Loves." Regina wants to sound prideful but she can't. She just can't. The fear has overtaken her.

"I knew that this love existed now but I had no idea it's you and Emma." Reina sighs foreshadowing a lot of troubles. "Let's go in my room. We have a lot to catch up on."

The twins move to the other room which is almost at the other end of castle. They travel the main hallway that effectively splits the building into two equal parts.

The two marble doors are exactly the same as Regina has made them. Apparently Reina hasn't changed anything.

Reina waves her hands and the doors open smoothly. She waits for her sister to enter before closing them after she herself passes through them.

"How are you two taking the news?" She starts the conversation from afar.

Regina sits on the edge of the bed and inhales the magic.

"Good. That is not the problem."

"Then what is it?" Reina sits close to her sister.

"The crosser. We don't know who it is? What if it's Rumple wanting our child?"

"Your what?" Reina's eyebrows shoot up.

"I'm pregnant with the Truest Love child." Regina explains like it's not that big of a deal. And despite that she sees the hurt in her sister's eyes.

So it's not just lust, she thinks and can't help but feel a little sorry for her sister.

"Well... that' Congratulations." Reina finally manages to get over her initial reaction.

"Look," Regina reaches out and takes her sister's hand in hers. "I know this is an uncomfortable subject and..."

"No, I..." But Reina doesn't know what to say. The truth is that it's uncomfortable. After clearing her throat she continues, "So... you are pregnant. That means that Emma had magic to do it."

"She had um..." Regina looks away from her sister. Her cheeks blushing. "A magical appendage."

"Oh..." Reina's eyebrows go up.


A few moments of silence follows while Regina gives her sister time to adjust to the new information.

But it's Reina that breaks the silence by chuckling, "You know, it's funny how Truest Love is supposed to be the ultimate love. The Love of all loves and all that crap but at the end of the day you need an addition to make everything perfect."

"It is the Nature's way to ensure that there will be generation so..."

"Yeah but the thing is that your magic should be enough."

"It can be but in order for one of us to be pregnant we have to desire it. I can't just use my magic and boom, one of us is pregnant. It's more of a soul process than a physical one." Regina swallows and continues. "Nothing is ever perfect, Reina. There is always something missing. We are human beings and it comes naturally to us that we always want what we don't have. We always find something to whine for."

MAGIC INCIDENT (GxG)(Emma x Regina)(ONCE UPON A TIME)(GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now