Chapter 38: Next part

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Well, here it is. The next chapter of the swap part. Be careful when you read it because the story goes between the two places. I've put a line to separate it and hopefully you won't get too confused.

Regina places the small mirror at the edge of the bathtub and then dips her body in the warm water. Her body instantly relaxes, all her muscles are letting go of the tension that has been built and Regina feels her magic running through her veins again. It feels nice. To have the control again and it is provided by a simple bath. The pregnancy is already doing a number on her, so the smallest things can make her happy.

The mirror starts to glow and a fuzzy image appears. Regina can't make anything at the beginning but after few beats of her hammering heart she hears footsteps. Hurried with some groaning, swearing and panting. She narrows her eyes but it takes few seconds before she realizes that someone is running. Probably Reina or Emma, or maybe both.

The next second the image gets a lot clearer and she can make out the jeans Emma wore before they separated and the boots and attire she gave her sister. It is obvious that they are running with Emma leading and Reina closely behind. That does look normal and if she was there, Emma would lead as well. Because that would be the better way to protect her.

"Why did you teleport us so far away." Reina asks, while dodging a leaf.

"Because she could sense my magic. And yours too. It's better this way." Emma rolls her eyes.

Regina chuckles at that image. She has yet to announce her presence but it is somehow thrilling to watch them without them knowing. She wasn't spying on her wife. It isn't wrong, right?

"Why didn't you call me? I could've made popcorn."

Tink's voice makes her jump on her spot… in the bathtub.

"Shit." She raises a hand to her heart. "A little warning next time." Regina glares at her friend, who sits on the edge next to her.

"What are they up to?"

"Running towards someone with magic." Regina explains.

"She's your daughter. She's going to feel you even without you using magic." Reina groans at how stupid Emma was sometimes. "Magical people can sense more than regular once."

Regina and Tink's mouths are literally open at the revelation. They are chasing one of the babies. And it turns out she is on some bad quest.

"No." Regina refuses to believe what she has heard. This is some trick. It has to be some trick. "Did you heard that?" She lifts her eyes, waiting for the blonde next to her to brush off her hearing.

"It's what Emma and Reina said. They met her. It has to be true."

"No." Echoes through the small room like it is a larger construction, fury carrying out with the sound.

The blonde widens her eyes. It is like the Evil Queen has come back and is currently soaking her body in the bubbles. "Well, they said it. Why are they lying when they don't even know you are watching them?"

Of course, there is truth in those words, but the pregnant woman refuses to believe it is true. How can one of their children become evil and turn against their own family? Is history repeating itself?

"No, because…" She shakes her head, eyes down cast towards the bubbles before covering her body from the blonde's eyes. "That will mean that I am responsible for that. I was the Evil Queen and now one of my children, that I've carried and given birth to is turning against her family. I can't have that happening. I can't be the reason for that as well."

MAGIC INCIDENT (GxG)(Emma x Regina)(ONCE UPON A TIME)(GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum