Chapter 32: Double Date Goes Wrong

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Unbetad so all mistakes are mine. Looking for beta that would love to correct me and point my mistakes

This one was supposed to be fun and games and some sexy times but yeah… my muse decided otherwise. I had to reread most of the fiction again to make sure this is done correctly. Again don't forget that this story DOES NOT follow canon.

So trigger warning: marital abuse and abortion in Italicafter the third line.

"And then…" Tink takes a deliberate pause by drinking from her glass. All three sets of eyes are glued to her, waiting for the end of the story. "Blue's dress disappears and she is naked as the day she was born. In front of the whole group."

The room burst with giggles from all women. Reina, who is sitting next to Tink, unconsciously, puts a hand on her shoulder… Naked one… "Really? That would be a sight to see." Her mind is buzzing with the effects of this world's drunk 'whiskey', as they call it. It burns her throat but she can't be the only one not drinking… Well, except Regina but she has valid reason.

"That bitch deserves it." Emma blurts out and leans forward to take her glass.

A chuckle leaves Regina's lips and she nods. "I have always doubted her. She always has agenda just like Rumple. You can never be too careful with her." And then she grabs Emma's glass. "Easy on the liquid, dear. I don't want to have to drag you upstairs."

"R-Regina-a." Emma whines and follows the glass with her hands but they are pushed by her wife's slender fingers. "Really?" She can hold her liquor and feels a bit offended when Regina acts like her mother.

"Yes, Emma. Really." Regina can't help but roll her eyes.

"Can't we focus on how shady Blue is and not my drinking?"


"Ugh…" There was no winning with Regina. Like ever.

It's then, while Regina and Emma argue, that Tink notices the warm hand on her shoulder. Her head spin to the left and her lips curl up in smile. She doesn't mind being touched. Not by everyone. But it's Reina and it feels too good to push her away. Instead she covers the hand with hers and flashes a smile at the woman beside her. Her heart flitter and she can feel her stomach forming knots. This is new feeling and she definitely needs time to get use to it.

Suddenly Regina's head begin to throb. She uses her hand to massage the temples but in vain. There is dull pain at her forehead and she eve starts to fill dizzy.

"Hey, you okay?" Emma notices it of course and wraps her arm around her wife. A shake of the head is all she receives as an answer. "Um, guys, I think we are going upstairs." She says to the two women.

"Of course." Tink stands up, following Reina.

"Can we help?" The twin reaches out but stops herself.

"I think we can handle it. If not I will call." Emma stands up carefully bringing Regina with her.

The journey upstairs is slow and takes forever because of Regina's headache. Emma wishes she has magic so she can poof them but sadly all her magic can do is protect and it's more of an instinct than real magic.

MAGIC INCIDENT (GxG)(Emma x Regina)(ONCE UPON A TIME)(GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now