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"I got you, babe. I got you, baby."The Queen in my arms starts shifting at the first notes of the new alarm song I chose yesterday. Her butt grinds deliciously against my member, waking it up, and I wanna stay here for the rest of the day.I bring my lips to her ears and sing the lyrics."I got flowers in the spring. I got you to wear my ring."Regina turns in my hands in time to start sing, "And when I'm sad you're a clown. And if I get scared you're always around."Damn, this woman has a voice of an angel.The next lines we sing together, grinning like lovesick idiots, "So let them say your hair's too long, 'cause I don't care. With you I can't go wrong. Then put your little hand in mine. There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb, babe. I got you, babe. I got you, babe."Regina's right leg goes over my thigh bringing her closer to me."Good morning, babe," her voice barely audible with her lips hovering over mine and her hips moving. She has a morning agenda that is very obvious."Mornin', babe," I manage to reply with my still sleepy voice."You know what would make the morning even better?" She purrs in my ear, and I would take her right away if my body didn't feel so heavy. Damn, this magic."I wanna sleep...tired..." my voice goes lower and lower as I'm about to drift off to Dreamland again."Bu I'm not tired and I most definitely don't want to sleep."And to prove her point my lovely wife flips us over so she can straddle me. The magic starts to wake up before me."See? Better. And Swan is also awake. So two against one, I win." She speaks with this cheery voice and claps her hands. Her hips move her naked core up and down my length that is still hidden in my boy shorts. The friction is far too delicious to be ignored."If you stop grinning on him maybe he'll get a say in this." My eyes are still closed but the sensations from Regina's movements keep me awake. No sleep, Swan.Regina's full lips meet mine in a passionate kiss that make my head spin in record time.Strangely I find myself not responding to the kiss fully. I'm not even that aroused. Physically I am more than ready but then again the magic runs in my penis as blood so it's safe to say that it is not my arousal. Mentally I am scared. I might lose control again and this time it could have more severe consequences. I don't want to hurt her, and I have no idea how to proceed.Regina detaches our lips and pulls back enough to meet my eyes."What?" she asks.I forgot that the magical bond we have now allow us to feel each other's moods. I gulp and answer her truthfully, "I...""Oh, we are having morning sex, Emma." She lifts her right eyebrow and tilts her head. "I know that something is troubling you. So you better start talking because I'm not leaving this room without my morning orgasm and I won't settle for mediocre." Her voice leaves no room for protest.There was no going back from it now."I-I am scared. I don't wanna...lose control again," I mumble as I try to explain it to her the best way I can. Good thing is that she actually gets me. She is the first person in my life that really gets my half sentences. Snow has trouble with them sometimes but Regina never does. Because she is the same as me."Look, I know what is like to fight with magic," her voice is soft like a caress and it makes my heart melt. Her hands roam all over my front and her eyes follow every movement. "I've been fighting with magic ever since I signed the agreement over five years ago. You were there for me. Now I'm here for you. The roles are reversed."She cups my breast and massages them electing a moan from me."The one thing I will keep reminding you, for the rest of our life as a married couple, Emma, would be..." she stops her ministrations. Our eyes meet. "I'm always here," her right palm settles over my heart as she whispers, "with you."She leans down and we kiss almost like the first time over five years ago. We pour all of our feeling into this kiss. Electricity runs through my body when Regina runs her tongue across my lips asking for permission. I give it to her gladly in an instant. Her hips grind against me again in earnest, led by her arousal. But I need more contact now. The boy shorts start to tease my hard and sensitive skin not in a good way.Though I don't mind her movements at all because I'm already hard for her with my magic slowly increasing at every pass her hips make. This is one of the things I don't like in our current situation. I'm like Speedy Gonzales of erections leaving Regina far behind like the wolf from the cartoon. I like a foreplay that builds both of our arousals. I like to move in sync with her not to start from the middle of the race. Well, it's not a race but...All thoughts vanish as my right ear is been sucked on. Oh, God. A powerful pulse run from my junk and spreads inside the rest of my body. When she separated our lips and moved there will remain a mystery for me."Emma..." a hot breath caresses my earlobe."Uh..." I can't even ask 'What?'."Take off your undies," comes as a low husky, dripping with lust. Thank God the sentence wasn't longer coz I've might finish before we even began. The things that woman does with her voice are just...Fuck.She moves off of me leaving me space to obey to her command and I immediately miss her warmth. The magic is swirling around as almost like the cloud. The difference is that we can't see the magic. We just feel it. The peak is in my member probably because it has to create life.The shorts fly in unknown direction across the room followed closely by Regina's thingy that she likes to call 'nightgown'. I've seen such clothing and they really make you want sleep when you look at them. Regina's thingy evokes dirty thoughts effectively deflecting me from sleep.Once she is naked I lie down and rest my head on my pillow while my wife straddles me and resume her grinding on me. Her wetness spreads all over me and creates a delicious friction. I raise myself grabbing her thin waist with eager hand and take one of her hard nipples in my mouth sucking in it a little before releasing it with a pop. She groans and entangles her fingers in my hair, pulling me against her other nipple. I smile and pay the same amount attention to the other one.She stops her hips movements only to take my pulsating meat love and steers her awaiting opening over it. I lower my gaze and watch in owe the way she takes me all the way in. Her velvet skin envelopes me inch by inch. Six, seven, eight, dead end. I hit the bottom and we both gasp at the powerful sensation.I can feel the magic around us becoming more like a soft veil. It rounds us and separates us from the rest of the world. It's like our magical bubble.Regina pushes me towards the pillow again in a silent order to stay there and enjoy the ride. She starts sliding up and down my length gradually building rhythm that corresponds to her arousal. Her hands grab my breasts, using them as handles. Her own boobs bounce in time with her thrusts. Her hair swings back and forth.From where I am it looks like a fucking hot goddess is using me and my body and which is fine by me. She makes circles with her hips creating whole bunch of new sensations for me.I lift my upper body and wrap my hand around Regina's waist."Lean back," I command her.She looks at me with eyes full of worry."Trust me. It will be great." If I am right it will be earthshattering.She nods and leans back with her hand outstretched behind her. My grip tightens as I feel her letting her body fall backwards. Her hands are supporting her body weight as I bring her legs on both of my sides. So now she is sitting on all fours with her back to the mattress. I start thrusting in her slowly so she could become accustom to the new angle. Her face frowns at the beginning but few moments later she relaxes. It's hot for as long as you can maintain it.But the thing with our lovemaking is that we need to be as close as possible. I don't know why that is really but the more skin contact the better. It's been this way since that first time over five years ago. We make a position that has less contact just for the fun of it and someone feels the urge to be close again quickly changing it.This time it is me. I pull out of Regina gradually leaving her frustrated as she throws me a death glare. Before she can do something else I grab her and spin her so she can face the headboard on all fours. I plunge in her as deep as I can. We both gasp and I thrust in a steady pace that will topple us over the edge pretty soon.The sight in front of me is just breathtaking. Regina's butt absorbs every push in and it calls me to smack it."Fuck," comes out from my lips. The smacking and the steady pace are bringing me dangerously close to the climax as I feel my magical penis pulsating from the arousal.I tear my eyes from her butt. My green orbs move up her spine line followed by my hands. I reach her shoulders, grab them and speed the thrust. This way she can't go anywhere. I lean forward pressing my front to her back as velvet walls clamp down around me. My hand goes to her clit circling around it. And that's all it takes for Regina to come all over me with my name on her lips."Emma..." is all need to hear to explode in her, filling her with my release.My head falls on her back as I pant against her skin feeling her uneven breathing. The magic is still buzzing in me but fading away gradually.Coming from down from our high is usually a slow process, which this time is interrupted by our son bursting. I look at him in shock and pull the covers over me as I slide out of Regina. She grabs some sheet to cover herself.There are few second of awkward silence that fills the room. Regina and I don't know what to say while Henry is trying to close his mouth. I'm not sure how much he saw.The kid closes to the door leaving us dumbfound. I eye my wife but I'm still unable to form coherent thoughts. I still feel a hint of arousal in my junk. Regina's chest is red both from our activities and our son's entrance. He gets his bad timing from me."Is it okay to wish him happy birthday?" I ask. The brunette tries to throw me a death glare but laughs instead. I join her as I fall backward on the bed. I hide my face with my hands and feel a shift in the bed.When I open my eyes and focus on her, Regina is wrapping her robe around her naked body. She turns to me, "Get up. We need to talk to him. Now."How she manages to recover from that climax so quickly shall remain secret for me. Maybe because she has been mother longer than me. Maybe because her maternal instinct is better and stronger than mine."Okay." I agree with her and leave the comfort of the bed. I dress my clothes from last night and I am ready to face my next lesson for parents from Regina Mills.Regina knocks on the boy's door, "Henry, can we come in?" She asks hesitantly almost as if he didn't just see us naked."Yes," comes out from the other side of the door.She enters with caution as I follow her, my front pressed against her back. I hide behind her because my junk is still hard. The magic in me is not still maybe from the excitement. I know I need to calm down and Swan will be in his normal size but I'm too afraid of this conversation. I don't know how to handle 'the talk' so...Fuck, cooling down.Henry is sitting on his bed with his back pressed against the headboard. He looks at us with questioning eyes and pursed lips.Oh, this is going to be hard.Regina clears her throat as if that could ease the tension."What did you see, Henry?" She asks trying to sound calm."I saw that Ma has a penis which is absurd because only boys have that."His words leave me wonderstruck. I forgot that he is not the eleven year old boy who dragged me into his life. He is sixteen now and the hormones are going wild in his body. Much like my magic now. I see that Regina has the same troubles. When did our boy grow up to this almost-man? Time flies so fast."Henry," I step in front of Regina fully aware that my hardness is visible. The boy throws it a quick disgusted glare before returning his brown eyes on mine. Okay, Emma, you can do it. You talk to him about everything. He is your best buddy. Talk to him like you normally do and everything will go smooth. "You are right. Only guys have penis. I-I have one know that your Mom and I are each others' True Loves, right?"The boy looks at Regina and nods. She takes my hand in hers and helps me holding his gaze, "True Love, being the most powerful magic of all, can give each couple what they are missing and longing for. In our case it will give us a child.""That is why I have it. Two women can't get pregnant from each other magic gave me this."Our boy remained silent with his eyes on us. He was clearly trying to process this new weird information. He sits cross-legged and looks up at us again. He opens his mouth to speak several times but closes it almost the same second. He looks down at his intertwined hands."So this penis is like mine?" comes out from him finally.I heave a sigh of relief. I walk toward the bed and pull the chair from his desk to sit on as Regina places herself on the edge of the bed."Well," I pause to form the right respond. "It works like real. It feels like real but for me it is an addition that will give me a child with your mother.""But why you? Why you get to have it?""That is a great question, Henry, to which I have no response at all." I shake my head."I suppose," Regina cuts into the talk, "there is a mechanism for this. Maybe it has a way to understand that Emma has already had a child and it is my time to have one. Plus my biological clock is ticking and we have talked about expanding our family for a while now."She looks at me smiling and I return it."So basically you two talked about having another child...and now Ma has a penis to make one." He knits his eyebrows at the absurdity of our reality."You can say that." I share the same look as his. It really is outrageous."Why?" he shrieks startling us. "Just when things came this close," his index and thumb came together to show the distance he was talking about, "to being normal in our crazy definition of the word. And then this happens. This is freaking insanity that could only happen to me on mybirthday." He exhales deeply and shakes his head."Henry, it is crazy for us too," Regina assures him."Yeah? But you didn't saw your parents having sex on your birthday, did you?""It's not like it's your first time." I want to help but Regina poked my ribs and throws me a 'Not helping' look."It's not but its grosser coz you are a woman with a penis and she is a woman and it's...You know what? Next time you should leave 'Don't disturb' sign.""You know what?" I counter. "Next time you should knock.""Well, now we know where he got his bursting-in habit." Regina speaks her smartass comment with her devilish smirk and raised eyebrows.We share a good laugh at the sentence. I love how we still banter about small things and how we can laugh over our mistakes, flaws and even our past. It was hard working on this path but we managed. In our crazy, not normal, out of this world way we did it. We got our happy ending."I think you should reenter my room so we can restart the day," Henry suggests waving his hand at us as a sigh to do it."I won't do it. Let..." I speak but our son interrupts me."Coz you have a boner.""Henry," Regina scowls at him."What? It's true.""It's true, Regina." I back him up.My wife is not amused and can't agree with us but two against one. I win. I won't say that out loud though."How long it will exist?" The curious boy in him asks."Until your mother gets pregnant." I explain the truth to him."So you will have it until mom gets pregnant?""Henry..." Regina shrieks clearly scandalized by our son's words."Oh, come on, Mom. I know all about sex.""You do?" Regina and I both looked at him with horror."How?" I recover faster."You know I have biology in school, right? Plus I'm sixteen. Not some little eleven year old boy who drags his fairytale book with him all day."We did forget about that. We still think of him as that boy that dragged me here and talked about that book all day. Time really flies, as much as we don't like it. Henry is grown into handsome and tall teenager that doesn't need picking up from school anymore. He makes his own hot chocolate now and even knows how to make fries. I do, too. He barely needs our help for his homework. And I'm expecting him to start shaving soon. Which Regina doesn't coz 'My baby boy is not there.' She told me so, more like growled, when I mentioned it."We do, Henry. But for us you will always be our little boy." I smile at him."Yep. Little boy that has birthday today," he reminds us how the day should have started."Happy birthday, Henry." Regina braces herself faster and hugs the boy. He returns the hug as she barriers her face in his neck. "I wish you all the best, my dear child."Her voice breaks at the final words and she starts sobbing. Henry's eyes and mine water too. He looks at me and I nod him. He gets the hint and rubs his hands on his mother's back.The only thing that can make me happier is a positive pregnancy test."I don't have anything to wear," I whine from inside the walk-in closet in our bedroom.The talk with Henry after he saw Swan went better than I expected. I was ready for a disaster. But it turned out that our boy is smart and understanding. Much like Regina and me.I realize that the whining makes me sound like my wife and all the other mall bitches that have thousands of dresses and are still unsatisfied when they open the closet. I am not like that. I really don't have anything that can fit me with this huge budge that forms tent in my shorts.I hear Regina's giggle from inside the bathroom."Don't laugh and come and help me," I whimper.I stand in the walk-in closet with the denim pulled up half my ass when my wife appears with her red towel wrapped around her amazing body."Fuck this shit," I throw my arms in sign of defeat. "I'm outta here." I want to do one of those grand exits but my legs half dressed in jeans make too small steps for my liking. I feel like a turtle walking out of...somewhere. I get even more frustrated by the speed and stumble. Judging by my wife's laughter my fall is not graceful at all. I wiggle and spin until I'm on my back and I can see Regina chuckling and trying to hold the towel to her body."Not funny," I fidget my legs freeing them from the jeans."It is...Emma. You should...see yourself." She says still giggling while I rise up.She stops laughing when I stand just before her and our eyes lock. She bites her lower lip.Without any warning I grab her by the waist and throw her on the bed. She lands on it with 'Oomph' on her lips and the towel reveals part of her front."No," she tries to stop me but I launch myself on her like a bear on a pray. My hands go just under her ribs and tickle her."Now, that's funny, Regina." I say as I watch her struggle with me."Y-yes..." comes out from her lips.Our laughter echoes in the bedroom. The teasing continues for quite a while. All thoughts of getting ready for the birthday vaporize.

MAGIC INCIDENT (GxG)(Emma x Regina)(ONCE UPON A TIME)(GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt