Chapter 33: Of messages and envelops

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Hey there again! Reina and Tink are sooo cute and funny to right. With Reina who has been away from people most of her life and Tink being… sassy little woman it's just amazing combination. It's just one of those couples that develop naturally when you right and it's making me all giggly inside.

Also we have a time jump because I wanted to get to the good stuff. The ones we've all been waiting for.

Thanks to LauratheChef for being beta!

Tink hangs the towel on the stove's stick and turns to face Reina. "I guess we are all done." She says, as her eyes scan the table. They made themselves busy after the rough start they had. They figured Emma and Regina won't be back at all.

"Yes." Reina follows the woman's gaze and nods. "We did a great job, didn't we?"

"Mhm." Tink agrees and moves forward, sitting on the counter. "Why don't we sit here and while I finish my glass you are going to tell me how do you find this world."

The suggestion is good, Reina muses and she quickly takes the sit next to the blonde. So far they've talked about the way the fairies live in the Enchanted Forest and how Reina was locked and nearly driven to a stand-by state. She talked about how hard it was for her to come back to live and to start making her own decisions.

But now, this topic seems lighter and Reina takes a deep breath before answering. "Well, it is unsettling at first because there are these laws here, different from ours."


"But at the same time it is refreshing. I frankly find the Dark Curse useful for everyone. They are mostly different people here and they've learned a whole new set of skills in order to fit here. I think it opened parts of them that they've kept hidden."

"I agree." Tink chuckles. "I mean, look at Ruby. Who, back in the forest, would have thought that she is soo skilled with the tray? Or Granny who is this amazing cook and rivals Regina's meals? I have never thought that Snow could stand before bunch of children and teach them how to be humans. And she does that very well according to Henry."

"Yes. I didn't know them back home but look at Regina. She has to deal with all this 'paperwork', as she calls it, which no King or Queen has seen. And this rectangular thing that she writes on using this buttons." Reina waves her hand, imitating Regina's typing.

"Oh, you mean the monitor and the keyboard. Yeah, she said that was harder to learn than paperwork and managing the whole town." Tink chuckles at the memory of how Regina learned computer.

"I find it fascinating over all. But maybe because it's all new to me. Maybe for you it's ordinary."

"No." Another chuckle leaves her lips and the fairy shakes her head. "I haven't been much here but I do have few months ahead of you. And I guess, I can teach you of this world." She winks at the woman.

"Really?" Reina licks her lips and feels her neck heating. No doubt it's getting red.

Which doesn't go unnoticed by Tink. "Yeah. I could teach you all sorts of things." She leans forward, putting a hand on the woman's bare thigh. Feeling the smooth skin underneath her does send chills down her spine and her wings spread wide behind her back. "If you are willing to be taught, that is." She lowers her voice, just barely a whisper and licks her lips. Her eyes locked on full lips.

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