" Be my girlfriend?"

Start from the beginning

She was just four weeks into her pregnancy, and she felt like dying already.

Drew murmured a short apology, and cleared her throat.

"Good. I can hear you better now. What were you crying about?" She asked, and patiently waited for Drew's reply. Her answer came in less than two seconds, and Emily could hear the smile that accompanied her friend's voice.

"Jameson popped the question."


"Hand it over young man."

Outside of the company, Emily and Chad stood beside her car, it was already late, and all Emily wanted to do was go home, and run into the sweet, soft comfort of her bed.

Reluctantly, Chad released her bag from his hold and handed it over to her, with a slight frown on his face.

"Thank you." She said, and unlocked her car.

"I can drive you, if you want." He replied, with concerned eyes.

"Chad, I am pregnant, not crippled. I can drive myself."

Apart from Drew, Chad was the only person who knew that Emily was pregnant. He was a trust worthy person, and also acted as a caring friend, so Emily felt no need to hide it from him. But ever since then, the usual awkward looking Chad had turned into a protective Knight.

Aside from the fact that he was her personal secretary, he had also assigned to himself, the role of being her personal chauffeur. Every morning, he was at her place by six on the dot, something he never failed to do for the past one week, and Emily felt grateful for that. She would offer him a raise for the extra help, but he was always quick to decline.

He nodded his head firmly, and helped her close the car door.

"See you tomorrow ma'am."

"I don't think I'll come to the office tomorrow Chad, so I'm leaving everything in your hands. Don't call me, unless it crucial, I trust you can handle everything here for the day?" She turned to him, with a questioning look. She knew she didn't need to ask, Chad was capable of anything. He was a blessing.

He smiled lightly and nodded his head.

"Definitely ma'am."

With that said, Emily drove off. Her eyes watched him, until she was completely out of the company's vicinity, and on full speed, home.

She hoped Chad would find a better woman, that he could be bold with. He never said a word to Drew, and look how it turned out. Another guy took his spot.

Just like another woman.. women, was going to take her spot in his life.

Did she even have any spot in his life?

Was there ever a spot for her?

More importantly, did she for once give him a chance?

Her mind ran back to the text he had sent her earlier today at the office. A part of her had controlled her enough to ignore it, but there was this other part that wanted to see him.

To hear his corny jokes again.

To feel the touch of his skin against hers.

To feel his lips touch hers.

To feel him inside of her.

Did she make a mistake by ending things with him?

She had done it for herself. For Drew. Her company. It should have made her feel better that she still had her kingdom built so high and strong. She just hated the fact that when she was with him, those walls that surrounded her kingdom didn't feel so strong again.

Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now