South Italy - Dance With Me

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Song: RIKI - Balla con me

"For the last time, I'm not coming to that party." Lovino, who was relaxed on the sofa, snapped at his younger brother Feliciano, and his best friend Antonio.

"Oh come on!" Antonio rolled his eyes, "If you're not coming because you think that little girl who broke your heart five months ago is going to be there, I'm going to smack you."

Lovino let out a low growl. What Antonio had said was jarring to his ears since it was true. A girl did break his heart five months ago and being heartbroken, he was just moping around at home, doing nothing but switching channels all day.

The faint whispering behind him caused him to snap out of his thoughts. Before he knew it, both Feliciano and Antonio grabbed Lovino and dragged him upstairs to make him get dressed. 

Lovino, out of sheer anger, let out a string of colourful curse words, but he begrudgingly dressed himself up, feeling a little convinced that he needs to forget his ex and move on.

He put on a white tee, blue skinny jeans, a black leather jacket, and a pair of tanned boots. He slipped on a couple of rings on his fingers, messed around with his hair, and then stared at himself in the mirror.

"You're not going to drink anything, Lovino, no matter how much you want to," he looked into the eyes of his reflection, "Alcohol doesn't solve anything."

With that mantra in mind, he willingly followed his best friend and brother to their convertible, much to their surprise. They decided not to say anything, knowing that Lovino would make a sour face and turn back to the house.

Antonio had rolled up to the beach. It was dusk and the sun was slowly creeping behind the horizon, colouring the sky a million hues. Lovino loved the beach. Unlike Feliciano, he was a coastal boy; the sea, sand, and sun were his life. 

And Antonio knew how much his best friend enjoyed beaches, which was why he secretly pestered another of his friends to throw a party on the beach. Antonio's only goal was to get Lovino's mind off that girl who broke his heart. 

After parking the convertible somewhere near, they swaggered confidently towards the beach, except for Lovino, who was feeling quite low. 

They settled on the bar stool and ordered some drinks. Lovino informed them that he wasn't up for alcohol, and they didn't object. 

As his younger brother and best friend were deep in conversation, Lovino reclined on the bar stool, one foot dangling down to the floor and the other resting on the footrest. He watched everyone dance to the pop music that was blaring. 

He felt more alive moping on his couch than being at this party, despite it being by the sea. He felt tired already and was itching to steal the car keys from Antonio and drive away. 

"I'll be back." he told his two companions and walked off towards the shore a few yards away from the party and music.

As he watched the waters receding and advancing in the dim lights of the party, his mind wandered to his ex. Five months and he was still thinking- no, brooding over her. 

Her name was Amira. She was insanely beautiful, so much that heads would turn wherever she went. She was mischievous and feisty. The song "Livin' la Vida Loca" suited her life, behaviour, and their relationship perfectly.

Lovino didn't know how she even wanted to date him, an average looking guy. But all he knew was that he drowned in love with her, but she was only ankle deep in love.

Not even ankle deep. She wasn't even in love with him. Not even a crush. When she broke off, she left him hanging without giving him any reason for leaving. Lovino felt as though she dated him just for a thrill. 

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