Mexico - Fun

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Song: CNCO - Se Vuelve Loca (Spanglish Version)

You were scared of everything. You never wanted to try anything new, and you were safely secured in a box called your comfort zone. You weren't up for adventures or anything of the sort as you saw it as risky and pointless. 

But your friend, José Martinez, a pure Mexican man with energy and vivacity bubbling like a volcano, thought otherwise. He was rowdy and wild, always up for some trouble and mischief. He was the total opposite of you, yet both of you were friends somehow.

One day, José was especially annoyed with your fears. Out of pure rage, he bought two airplane tickets to Mexico City and announced rather forcefully,

"You're coming to Mexico with me!"

"Say what?" You raised your shocked face from your laptop to face his smug face. 

"You heard me, nena," he said, "You're coming to Mexico with me."

You protested, but José never relented. He persuaded and convinced you in an elaborate manner about why you should travel and why it was good. After a few hours, you were only about thirty percent convinced. 

Regardless, you felt, for the first time, that you should maybe step out of your comfort zone for once. It was only one step, yet you felt extremely queasy.


When the hot summer wind blew your hair as you and José walked out of the airport, you found yourself face to face with Mexico City. It was like any other metropolitan city, nothing exciting about it. 

You looked at José. He was busy on the phone chatting animatedly with someone in his native tongue. 

You were in a new place, surrounded by people you didn't know. Realizing this fact, you were tempted to grab the next flight home and crawl under your blankets. Of course, José wasn't going to let you off so easily.

Both of you made your way to the hotel in the city. Throughout the ride, you had asked José what plans he had in the city. He didn't say a word to you and preferred to keep it as a surprise.

"At least tell me when we're going to start whatever we're going to do?" you pleaded.

"Tomorrow," He smirked at you playfully, "We're going to have some fun."

That sounded mighty suspicious, but you decided not to say anything. 

Tomorrow came, and José was up early. You couldn't believe how early he woke up. Didn't this thing called "jet lag" exist? To that, he replied with a snort,

"Mexicans don't get jet-lagged in their own country."

An hour after getting fresh and dressing up, he took you to his favourite restaurant and ordered huaraches, huevos rancheros, pan dulce, tacos, and coffee for breakfast. You stared at the spread before you and then looked at José. 

"What?" he looked at you.

"We're gonna eat all this?" 

"Yeah, duh," he grinned; like eating all this wasn't too difficult, "we have a lot of things to do today, so we need to have a heavy breakfast."

And so both of you ate. The restaurant was small and both of you had to sit close to each other to give other people space. José was having a swell time eating and occasionally rubbing off some sauce that got on your face.

After the ton of breakfast, he took your hand and showed you his favourite places in the city. The fact that he held your hand and occasionally squeezed it got you feeling some way, but you decided to ignore it. 

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