[ℝ] Germany x Nyo!Germany - Only You

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Song: Ariana Grande - Sometimes

"Ludwig, are you ready? We're getting late!" Monika called as she waited at the door and looked at the clock.

Ludwig and the word "late" usually could never coexist in a sentence, but ever since he started dating Monika, he would get all flustered and forget what he wanted to do. That inability of his was a bit of an annoyance to Monika, but she soon learned to deal with it.

After all, it was a rather refreshing and cute side of him. 

Soon, Ludwig bustled down the stairs and met Monika. He let out a heavy breath, straightened his clothes and pushed back his hair.

"All set?" She asked with a smile, to which Ludwig nodded. 

Both of them were going to a college reunion which was the first one after five years. They sat in the car and he held her hand in his throughout the drive to her friend, Amelia's place.

"This reunion thing makes me feel old." Monika laughed and glanced at Ludwig.

"Yeah..." His voice trailed off slightly. Something was not right with him, but Monika didn't want to ask him about it yet. 

In a few minutes, they reached Amelia's penthouse and rung the doorbell. The door opened quickly, revealing Amelia herself.

"Oh my gosh, Monika, is that you?" she exclaimed and pulled Monika in a quick hug, "It's been ages!"

"Yeah, same here." Monika smiled, "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing wonderful!" she grinned and looked at Ludwig, "Woah, Ludwig, you haven't changed at all."

"Yeah, I guess." Ludwig managed to smile a little.

"Oh yes, please come in." Amelia got out of the way and allowed both of them to come in. 

They saw a lot of familiar people and Monika smiled. Ludwig didn't seem to have any sort of apparent emotion.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Monika said, "Look for your old friends and grab a beer if you want."

"Yeah." He let her hand go and walked off to greet Kiku, his Japanese friend.

Monika walked off too and found Daisy (Nyo N.Italy's name I think?) and Sakura. Amelia soon joined them and in no time Alice and Madeline joined too. All of them caught up on their stories, their boyfriends (which Sakura didn't have) and recent experiences.

"You know, Monika, you seem a little less serious looking than you used to be." Daisy commented.

"I guess that's because I'm dating Ludwig." Monika replied.

"But, wasn't Ludwig a serious man too?" asked Alice.

"I think both of their seriousness canceled each other out!" Amelia laughed and the rest of the girls joined in. 

"Hey there, ladies!" Gilbert and Antonio called out, with beers in their hands. 

"Gil, how are you doing?" asked Monika.

"Awesome, as always." He grinned, "What 'bout Luddy? How is he with you?" 

"Ludwig is sweet." Monika blushed a little, making Gilbert go "ooh".

"I can't wait for you to be my sister-in-law!" He put an arm around Monika's shoulder and handed her a beer. 

"That's too quick!" She laughed.


A few hours had passed and Monika and Ludwig had to leave. Waving bye to all their old friends, both of them walked over to the car silently. Both of them sat in and Ludwig revved up the engine. 

"Did you have fun?" Monika asked.

"Yeah, I did." Ludwig flashed a genuine smile, making Monika relieved, "None of them changed even a little."

"True." She giggled. The rest of the drive home was silent. Ludwig parked the car in the garage and both of them made their way to the door.

"I noticed that a lot of guys spoke to you." He started, making Monika smile mischievously. She knew where this was going. 

"What about it?" She asked as she walked in. He followed and helped her remove her coat and she did the same. 

"Nothing." Ludwig finally answered, after not knowing what else to say.

"Were you jealous?" She asked and he looked away briefly. Looks like Monika hit the jackpot. He suddenly pulled her in a back hug and breathed,

"Yes, I was." 

Monika gulped. Sudden moves from him were always a bit of a shocker to her, but she loved them. He continued speaking,

"I'm scared that someone better than me will come and take you away from me. I don't want to let you go, not even sometimes..." 

Monika turned around and faced him, while her body was still in his arms. She caressed his cheeks and replied,

"No matter how many times you bring this up, my answer will stay the same: I'm not going to leave you for someone else." 

"You don't know this but, you're the only man who can make my heart flutter wildly. With other men, I don't feel anything."

"Only you can make me feel this way. You're really special to me." 

With that, she pulled him down and kissed him, making sure that her words were sincere and true and that there was no hint of deceit in what she was saying. 

"I'll always love you, Ludwig. Only you."


OMFG this is finally completed! It took me so long to write this bc I was trying so hard to think of the perfect social situation and all plus, I didn't want it to be boring and all

This is requested by @Sarah56643. Hope you liked it and sorry for the delay...

To the rest of you, continue reading, requesting, voting and commenting! 



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