Lithuania - I Don't Need A Superhero

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Song: The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This

Toris was depressed. He felt like a failure of a boyfriend. Tears were streaming down his face as he sat by your unconscious body in the hospital.

He didn't want to cry. Even though nobody ingrained it in his being, he always believed that crying was for wussies. He always aimed to be a man; strong and amazing. Yet, here he was weak and teary eyed.

The image of you almost getting run over by a car was burned in his mind and it kept replaying in his mind like a broken vinyl record. He hated himself for just standing there like a statue as your life was almost about to be whisked away.

He blamed himself too much.

Although your injuries weren't life threatening, they were enough to knock you out cold for a while. The doctors assured Toris that you would wake up soon and that you definitely weren't in a coma.

After a few hours, while Toris was still battling with his self-loathe, your eyes finally opened. You moved your fingers and turned your head. Toris didn't notice, since his head was still hung down.

"Toris..." you managed to squeak. He immediately looked up and more tears streamed down his face as he saw your little smile.

"You- you're awake..." He sobbed and you slowly lifted your hand to stroke his hair.

"Wha- Why are you crying so much, Toris?" You asked, with a little giggle.

"I thought you were not going to wake up..." He answered, "And I feel terrible..."

"Why?" You questioned.

"I wasn't able to save you and- and I hate myself for that..." He sobbed some more.

"No, Toris, don't hate yourself, please." You took his hand and squeezed it tightly, "Accidents happen way too quickly. Don't blame yourself."

"Besides, I'm still alive, aren't I? Even though I might be injured, all injuries heal." You assured.

"I've always wanted to be like a superhero. I've always wanted to make you happy and yet, here I am, crying like a baby. I'm so weak and disgraceful." He sobbed.

"Crying isn't weak or disgraceful. It's merely a way of expressing sadness. It's not good if a man tries to suppress his emotions. It's going to ruin his health." You said.

"Also, I don't want a superhero. I just want someone to be by my side, someone I can talk to and someone I can kiss." You added.

"And you're perfect for that."

He raised his head at you and you smiled at him. While you wiped away his tears, you said,

"You always make me happy. You may not notice it, but every little thing you do for me, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside."

"You have no clue how much you mean to me, so cheer up, okay? Nothing is your fault, not this or anything."

"Okay..." He smiled softly as he gently clasped your hand and kissed it.

"I love you so much." He exhaled softly while you blushed.

"I love you too."


You could say that this is a continuation of the first oneshot ;)

If you think any of my stories are full of cringe, cheese, sap, salt and sugar (which could be extremely distasteful for some of you), let me know. The least I could do is reduce it, if not destroy it completely, since it is my style of writing after all.  

Because what is a romantic story without cheese? 

Then again, if you are unsatisfied, the exit button on your phone is right there. 

But to my otherwise wonderful readers, thank you for reading, voting, commenting and requesting. Please continue to support me and I'll do my best to publish quality content ;)



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