Japan - Hey...

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Song: Fujita Maiko - Nee

You were a normal 16 year old girl, going to high school like all the other students. You were quite an isolated girl in school and nobody really paid much attention to you. Nevertheless, you had your eye on this particular guy. A Japanese boy named Kiku Honda.

He was a really sweet and eccentric guy, black haired, fair skinned and a bit shorter than the rest of the guys at school. Things were a turmoil inside you, since you had feelings for him for quite sometime.

For some reason, you were quite cold and dishonest with him (tsundere). He knew very well that you were not like that. Yet he never said anything about it and just let it be. 

Hey, who are you thinking of right now?

After a long day at school, you slowly walked down the pavement, with your mind filled with thoughts of him.

As for me, I'm thinking about you,

I could sense the scent of the night, 

ah, when I opened my window.   

His happy face flashed in your mind again and you blushed a deep red. He was just too much to handle. You were not sure what had made such strange fluttery feelings to arise.

Right now whose face 

is surfacing in my mind?  

You recalled the time both of you met for the first time. 


You were walking alone in the heavy rain without an umbrella over your head. You were pressured by a ton of things that day. You wouldn't care if you caught a fever.

When I was soaked from head to toe,

"Those bastards..." you mumbled quietly as you coughed up some blood.

You limped about the wet concrete streets; unlighted were the lamps and streetlights.

In the freezing rain,

You've been beaten to a pulp by some random people in school who claimed that you've offended them. As you walked the soul less streets, you leaned on a wall and breathed heavily. Your body grew hotter by the minute.

"Just let me die. I've had enough of this mundane life." you sat down in the dirt, gasping for breath as if you still wanted to live.

With a sigh, you looked up to the cloudy heaven above you. Your heartbeat slowed down a little and you closed your eyes. The chill of the wind and rain almost whisked you away to sleep until it it almost felt like the rain had stopped and someone was shaking you.

You were the one,

You opened your eyes and saw a man with black hair, a look of concern afloat in his dead raven eyes and an umbrella in hand.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No." you replied quite honestly as you gazed at his blurry figure through your eyes.

With a nod, he took your hand and gently pulled you up with his strong arms. Surprisingly strong for someone with dead eyes and a thin figure. 

Who would offer me a hand,

-Flash back end-

You never knew why he bothered to help you that night. You were just another classmate of his. Did he pity you? Your thoughts to him went turbulent:

Just why is it that you're always, 

The one giving me strength?

Whenever you do, 

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