India - Started From The Bottom

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"Don't come back here again!" yelled the security guards as they harshly threw Rahul out the gates of the prestigious mansion. 

"Get lost, you dog!" Rahul was mercilessly kicked in the stomach and a sharp glare was shot at the poor man. 

Rahul, badly hurt thanks to the thrashing he received, stole a glance at the door of the mansion where he saw you and your conservative father standing. You were looking worried, pale, and moved to tears. Your father was standing before you, arms crossed, writhing in anger. 

Tearing his gaze away sadly, he limped away into the darkness. 

Rahul and his family belonged to the Shudras, the lowest caste in India. They were dirt poor, lived in the slums, and did dirty jobs. On top of all that, they were ill-treated and forced to do disgusting jobs. 

They were considered lower than the numerous stay dogs that swarmed the streets. 

And you, you were the descendant of noble blood, belonging to the caste of Kshatriyas,  known for kings and rulers of old who led wars and conquests. It was the caste just below the highest, most supreme caste of them all, Brahmins, who were extremely learned and intellectual.

Disregarding all Hindu traditions and beliefs, both of you were very much in love with each other. You didn't see him as someone lower than you, but someone who was of equal standing, a human being like you. 

"How many times I've told you not to meet that wretched dog!" your father roared and you kept the seething anger within you down and spoke calmly. You knew, of course, that nothing good would come out of yelling back at your dad.

"Father," you started after taking a deep breath, "he isn't a dog, he is a man, a human being like me. When will you let go of these caste differences and treat even the lowest castes like humans?"

"Unacceptable!" he raged despite your calmness, "When a creature like him does such, disgusting, despicable jobs, how on earth will I ever consider him human!" 

"If that wretch should appeal to me, let him get an honorable job and a good standing, and I shall consider him," your father pinched the bridge of his nose, "Of course, a man with a low standing such as his will find it practically impossible to get a decent job!"

Before you said another word, your father ordered you to go to your room, to which you begrudgingly obliged. 

You closed the door behind you, feeling terribly disappointed. 

Moving to the open windows, you gazed at the glimmering lights of Mumbai, dubbed the City of Dreams.

City of Dreams, yeah right!

You cursed repeatedly in your head while you leaned on the window sill and let your thoughts run free. Just as soon as you were going to doze off right there, the gentle tapping on the window got you started. 

Looking up immediately, you saw Rahul. 

A smile graced your face and you opened the window. He must've climbed up the pipes to come up to see you, and you were flattered by it, despite being worried for him.

"____," he smiled, eyes glittering, "I'm here."

"Why have you come back? You know my dad will give you another thrashing if he sees you." you pursed your lips and stroked the cheek he was punched on earlier.

"It's worth it, so here I am," he gazed at you, still smiling, "Besides, I didn't want to leave without getting a kiss from you."

"You!" you blushed and then laughed quietly, making Rahul smile. 

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