[ℝ] Austria - Restoration

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Requested by Fangirl-x

Art by: Himaruya Hidekaz

Art by: Himaruya Hidekaz

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"Wha- Why are you here?!" Roderich also exclaimed, equally appalled to see who was standing at his door.

"Lizzy told me that this was the place which gave the best piano lessons in the city!" you said, "I can't believe she sent me here!"

"And she told me that she would send an acquaintance here for piano classes!" 

"That would be me," 

Roderich sighed heavily, pinched the bridge of his nose, and then evened out his temper, "You want to learn the piano?"

"Yes, I do,"

"Since Lizzy sent you here, I suppose I have no choice but to teach you," he turned around, nose in the air and walked inside, dramatically sighing, "If you want to learn, then come inside and close the door,"

You swallowed down your pride and entered the house, closing the door behind you. 

Oh Lizzy, you're going to get it from me once I reach home!

It had been nearly five years since you spoke to him last. Both of you had cut off all connections because of a certain event that happened when both of you were eighteen, and as a result, you knew nothing that went on in his life. At the very least, his demeanour and personality had not changed. 

It seemed that he moved to a different place in the city, and you were treading within his new townhouse. As you walked through the hallway, you caught glimpses of his living room and his bedroom. Neat and sterile as always. And his beloved grand piano, the only one he's ever used which he bought with his own money, was situated by the windows.

He led you upstairs to a room and had you sit down at a desk. There was an electronic keyboard on the side and the room was moderately furnished. On the wall hung a white board. 

"I hope you brought along a notebook," he crossed his arms, "I will first have to teach you music theory,"

"I did," you pulled out a notebook and a pen from your bag and and placed it on the table, "Before we begin, I just wanted to ask about how much I need to pay for the classes,"

"We can deal with that later," he said simply, as he took a black marker and pulled off the cap.

He wrote "Music Theory" on top of the board.

You sighed quietly. He wrote in cursive and it was a very beautiful cursive. How long it had been since you saw it! It was almost relieving.

For half an hour, he taught you about the history of music, how notation came to be, the staff and the bars, lines and their names, and all the basic things. For the other half hour, he showed you to the keyboard and named the keys and had you play them one by one.

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