[ℝ] Viking! Iceland - Destiny's Arrow

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A/N (Please read)

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Another historical oneshot! Again, I did the best research as I could, and there could be inaccuracies, so please excuse them! I really enjoyed writing this one though. Never got to write a full-fledged Viking story, so it was interesting to research their culture.

And for the sake of historical accuracy, I renamed the Nordics to give them Old Norse names. I chose the names that were most similar to their modern names, so there won't be much confusion. However, here's the list of their names, and just for spice, their meaning too:

Emil/Iceland - Egil (edge of the sword)
Lukas/Norway - Loki (airy)
Berwald/Sweden - Bragi (first, foremost, poetry)
Matthias/Denmark - Magnar (strength)
Tino/Finland - Thorfinn (male descendant of Thor)

And the old Norse names for the Scandinavian countries mentioned here along with their literal meanings:

Snæland (Snow land) - Iceland 
Norvegr (North way) - Norway

What would your old Norse name be? I'd call myself Hildr. 




The theological beliefs in this story regarding Norse mythology does not reflect the beliefs of the author. These beliefs are used simply for the purpose of the story.


Requested by SeesideRandezvous

Fallen upon the sandy beaches of the land they called Snæland, you were left to die. 

Wounded, bruised and battered, and nearly half naked, you were abandoned by your Viking masters for a grievous folly of accidentally toppling into the sea a very precious cargo of tools bartered with the inhabitants of the island. You were now left to be delicious carrion for the many scavenging birds...

Like the one hovering over you just at that moment.

It was black and white with an orange and black bill. A small bird, but seemed keen on eating you. Seeing that you were too weak to move, it assumed that you were dead already.

It pecked at your arm, making you wince. Your sudden movement startled the bird and made it fly away. You groaned in pain. Your wounds and bruises hurt enough already, and a bird had to make it worse. 

You forced yourself to sit up. As much as you would have liked rest, staying in one position would be an invitation for more birds. 

Sitting up made you feel light headed. The world seemed to turn and go into a blur. The landscape of the dizzying sea waves in front of you seemed to be swaying as a drunken man.  You closed your eyes shut and started breathing slowly. 

You opened your eyes to find that the turning had stopped a little, but you still had to be careful. For this reason, you crawled on the sand instead of standing up; you couldn't walk anyway thanks to all the beatings you got.

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