[ℝ] 2p Canada - Chased Into The Darkness

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A/N! This is a request from @Nakiasha . Hope you like it! ^^ Also, please excuse anything wrong here since it's my first 2p oneshot/story.



You were a popular one at high school for being the nicest and one of the naturally pretty girls (mind you. Without makeup). You were good at academics and sports and everyone liked you and many didn't like you all that much.

Many adored you but you couldn't win the attention of this one guy. Matt was his name. He was one of those delinquents. Blond hair, mysterious and hard-to-read royal purple eyes.

You've talked to him only a few times but, during those few times, you were developing feelings for that delinquent.

He was never the readable type. His face was always expressionless. You liked the way he dressed. Flannel shirts in which he messily rolled up the sleeves and were half open, dark blue jeans, converse shoes, and black aviators resting on his head.

He was so tall, handsome as hell, he was so bad and he did it so well. (Get the reference?). You'd usually catch him looking at you whenever he was nearby. When you did, he'd continue looking at you like he didn't notice that you were looking at him.

It was like he did deep thinking and he stared at you accidentally.

You had no idea why you fell for him.

Absolutely no idea why. Even though he was quite the rough, violent guy he was, you felt that he may actually be a nice guy in disguise.

Your summary of him would be: 'A dolphin disguised as a merciless shark'.

One day, you were by your locker, taking out your books with a sigh.

I couldn't talk to him again....

You could talk to anyone fearlessly but not to him. You become tremendously nervous and shy whenever you tried. And when you'd actually strike a conversation with him, it would usually end in minutes since your mind was usually in turmoil.

Before you knew it, almost everyone headed for their classes and the hallways were empty.

"Oh no! Gotta hurry!" you yelped and quickly gathered your books.

You slammed the locker door shut and ran to your next class. Suddenly, you were pulled by the arm into a lonely corner.

"Whoa?!" you almost shouted but whoever "caught" you put his hand on your mouth to shut you up.

"Sssh!" that person hissed and let you go.

"Matt?!" you whisper-shouted.

He was on a lookout while his breath was really heavy.

"Is something up?" you whisper-asked.

He nodded slightly, "I'm being chased,"

"By who?" you asked.

"The damned Vice- Principal," he replied.


"Because I skip classes," he said, "That old fart's gonna whoop my f***ing ass if he sees me,"

"Oh," you said.

He suddenly alerted and grabbed your hand.

You blushed at that sudden action of his.

"F*** it. He's walking around here," he cursed and held your hand tighter.

He ran to an empty room with you, hid behind a cabinet and gasped.

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