USA - Workaholic

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Before you read, I have one question. Why does most fanart depict America with tan skin? I mean, aren't most Americans white? Yeah, I get that there are Latinos and African Americans too, but still. Just asking though.

Okay, you can read the oneshot now. Enjoy!


Song: Bebe Rexha - Ferrari

Resting? That word never existed in your dictionary.

You were an insane workaholic. It didn't even deplete your energy levels, in fact, it only increased it. An insurmountable mountain of paperwork fired you up tremendously. 

No matter how much work you were given, you would do it tirelessly, much to the amazement of your coworkers. The only time you'd "rest" is at night, and that was only for a couple hours. 

Your life was fast, every minute had an appointment, you were always on the phone, and you never took a vacation. Not like you needed any vacations anyway. 

Despite all that, you admittedly felt a little lonesome, but with this busy life of yours, you couldn't do anything. Plunging yourself in your work was your only comfort, no matter how contradictory it felt. 

One day, the boss of your department, Alfred, announced that the whole department was planning on going for a camp in the mountains on the occasion of Independence day. All those who were planning to come had to write down their names on a list that was pinned up on the bulletin board.

As usual, you decided not to go, since you had your work to complete, and you had no time for a vacation. While everyone in the department had put in their name, you were the only one who didn't, and Alfred noticed. 

It was almost the end of the day, and before you could leave for home and continue your paperwork, you stopped at the vending machine to get a drink.

While the machine whizzed and whirred, you were lost in thought, trying to put all your work into allotted time slots. So lost that, you almost didn't realize that the machine dispensed your drink.

Picking it from the metal box below, you opened the can, took a sip, and sighed. As you were about to walk away from the vending machine, Alfred's voice stopped you in your tracks.

"Can I have a word with you?" he asked. 

"Of course." you turned to him and spoke monotonously, "Is there an unsatisfied client I need to meet?"

You knew there would never be an unsatisfied client, since you did your work with perfection, and went through everything with great care and caution, so as to avoid mistakes. Regardless, you waited for him to answer.

"No, but your superior is unsatisfied with you." he replied. 

"And what could the problem be?" you asked.

"I've noticed that you haven't put your name here on the camping list." He said as he pulled up the list of names from his pocket, "I was expecting your name here." 

"I apologize sir, but I can't make it, since I've deadlines to meet." You said mechanically. Alfred's brow tightened slightly.

"All of us have deadlines to meet, and since it has everyone pressed, I've arranged this to have everyone loosen up a little." He said as he took out his pen, "I'm writing your name here."

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