[ℝ] Canada - First Time

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As you were just surfing the internet out of boredom, your phone started blaring (insert favorite song). You took your phone with a sigh and picked it up without bothering to look at the ID.

"Ugh, Michelle, what did I tell you about calling me like hundred f*cking times a day?"

"Umm, this is not Michelle..." said a quiet voice which you recognized immediately.

"Matthew?" You called, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You see the thing is, Michelle calls like-"

"It's okay, ____. You already explained it."  He laughed and you blushed in embarrassment.

"Anyway, why did you call?" You asked as you reclined and slowly spun around on your rotating chair. 

"I was thinking... we could go ice skating today... or something. I mean, if you're busy, it's okay, I guess." He mumbled nervously.

"That sounds like fun, but I'm pretty bad at ice skating." You said, "I might ruin the fun."

(A/N sorry @ those who can skate, you gotta forget how to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

"If you'd like, I could teach you." He offered.

"Sounds good."


In the next thirty minutes, you and Matthew were at the local ice skating rink. You were pretty nervous because it was Matthew you were going to skate with and you were going to embarrass yourself in front of him by not actually knowing how to skate, big time. 

After both of you strapped on your skating shoes, Matthew took your hand and asked,

"Shall we go?" 

You nodded with a little gulp as he led you on the ice. The moment you stepped on the ice, you fell face first on the floor. Chuckling, Matthew pulled you up and encouraged,

"Don't worry, you're just starting out." 

You grabbed both of his hands while your legs wobbled terribly. It was hard to balance, let alone move. Thankfully for you, Matthew was patient and kept helping you skate. Soon, you were starting to gain a little balance, making him smile.

"Yeah, you're doing great!" He left one of your hands, making you panic a little.

"Woah..." You wobbled again and sighed in relief as soon as you gained balance.

"You're doing it!" He exclaimed and you grinned. As soon as he left your other hand, you fell down again, this time, on your butt.

"Ow..." You grumbled in pain and looked at Matthew who came over and held out his hand to you. You looked down, embarrassed. He now had a puzzled look on his face at your sudden change in behavior.

"This is probably not fun for you." you said, "Maybe you should've asked your brother, Alfred to come instead of me. He knows how to skate."

Matthew took a moment to take in the words. He didn't really like it when you were unhappy. Taking a breath, he replied,

"Believe me or not," He paused, "I really am having fun teaching you. I promise, I'm not lying."

"I know it's frustrating because it's your first proper time trying to ice skate and I get it, so don't be down." He crouched down and smiled at you.

"Also..." He paused again and hung his head down shyly, "I want to be with you when you're having your first times, so..."

You looked at him and found that he was blushing terribly.

"And- and I already knew that you didn't know how to ice skate, so I thought I'd teach you. That's why I asked you to come with me instead of Alfred." He explained.

"So, will you try again, please?" He asked as he looked at you pleadingly, like a cute little puppy.

How could you refuse his beautiful and compelling eyes? Bracing yourself, you stood up again with his help. 

"You're too cute to refuse, do you know that?" You asked as you instinctively grabbed hold of his arms, in an attempt to balance yourself.

"And you're too amazing for me that it's hard to tell you that I like you." He mumbled quietly, allowing you to hear only snippets of it.

"What was that?" You asked. You were so sure that he said "I like you".

"N-nothing..." He turned away and blushed again. 

"No, tell me, Matthew. Please?" You pleaded.

Matthew was in a fix. Should he tell you or should he not tell you? It was the right time now, since you were waiting for an answer from him.  

He gulped and decided to go with the former. If you didn't accept, it was okay for him to be just friends with you. Anything was okay as long as you were in his sight.

"I-I like you a lot, ____." He managed to say as he met your eyes in slight fear. Her answer would either be a relief or it would be a blow to his heart.

"What...?" you blinked, unable to digest the fact that your MEGA BFF (other than Michelle) just said he liked you. 

Were you hearing things right?

The silence between both of you was taking a toll on Matthew, so you decided to answer him quickly. You were now a blushing mess as you tried to string together a proper sentence,

"I-I... me too... I like you too." 

He stared at you in absolute shock, which somehow was a very cute expression on his face.

"Are you... what?" A cute smile was now on your face. He attempted to hug you, but you quickly lost your balance and fell again.

"Ah, I'm so sorry!" He apologized as he crouched down and tried to help you up. Instead of taking his hand, you gently pulled him down and pecked him on the lips. 

He was now stunned and tongue tied.

"What are you so surprised about?" You smiled.

The look on his face didn't change, except that he was blinking at an incredibly fact pace.

"Okay, I guess I should do a replay." You laughed and pecked him on the cheek this time.

"I like you too."


Damn, you and Canada are a bunch of huge dorks and I SHIP IT HELL YEAH

Anyway, I hope the ending was okay and not too shitty lmao. This was requested by Loveisthekey123! Hope you (and other readers) liked it <3

I saw her msg for the request in the morning and I wrote like half of it and then I started getting a lazy lol. It's night rn in India (9:50 PM) and now my head is literally like: 

 It's night rn in India (9:50 PM) and now my head is literally like: 

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This is the STORY OF MY LIFEU. 

Anyway, please continue requesting, reading, voting and commenting! (as I wrote this, the gif was distracting me lol)



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