Prussia - Irresistible

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Being a college student is an experience which cannot be described in one word. It was hard to concentrate on anything, especially when the most popular guy prowled the hallways.

He was affectionately described as "irresistible" by the girls. He always had the chill vibe surrounding him and his two friends. He was especially known for his unique physical features which set him apart. 

He treated girls and guys pretty nicely but when it came to you, he'd playfully tease you, push you around gently and try to find out what you were up to. He'd often annoy you to the point that you would give him the silent treatment. 

That was something he didn't do with others, and it got you wondering.

But what always got you laughing was when he'd try to flirt with you in his broken Spanish, which also made his Spanish friend howl in wild laughter. You thought he was kind of annoying, but not all that bad.

Sooner or later, he'd always make you admit to yourself that he was irresistible. 

You eventually started liking him, but every time you realized that there were other pretty girls that suited him better than you, you'd totally ditch the plan of confessing to him.

Maybe he hung around you because he liked you as a friend. That was probably it. You'd always convince yourself with that. It hurt, but if he isn't the one, why bother?

Even so, somewhere, you hoped he liked you back too. Isn't that what all of us wish for? For our crush to notice us and love us? That's what you wished for too, but you kept it hidden.

One fine day, as you walked into college, a lot of people were glancing at you and whispering stuff to each other. Not even a least bit bothered, you just walked to your locker and collected your things. 

That's when you noticed some commotion by the noticeboard. 

"What's going on there?" Gilbert voiced your thoughts as he stood next to you.

"I don't know. Let's check it out." you said shyly. 

His friends, Antonio and Francis joined too and all four of you went to the noticeboard. It was written in big, bold, black letters: "IS GILBERT AND ____ GOING OUT?"

It looked like a news report for some reason. There were pictures of both of you talking, him gently pushing you with a grin and other things. You felt embarrassed and angry at the same time. 

Why were they bringing this up? This wasn't true at all. Gilbert had an annoyed look on his face as he heaved a loud sigh, catching everyone's attention. 

"Who made this?" he asked loudly. Nobody stirred. As he scanned the group of other students, he noticed a girl who broke into a cold sweat.

"Alexandra." He called, making her flinch, "Was it you?" 

"N-no, it wasn't..." she mumbled. 

"If it wasn't you, come up front, look into my eyes and tell me it wasn't you." He glared at her. He was certain it was her. 

"Fine! I made it, okay!" she admitted, "I was jealous of the attention you give to her. I wanted to embarrass her and keep you away from her..."

"I don't understand why you are always near her! She's not even that pretty, you know!" she whined. 

"Tell me, even after I rejected you, why are you still behind me? And who are you to tell me who I should give attention to? What right do you have over my decisions?"

She hung her head down silently. 

(A/N just a clarification: He isn't embarrassing her here. In the college, since Gilbert is so popular, whoever confesses to him becomes news. At this moment, everyone already knew Alexandra confessed to Gilbert before, but it's none of their business so they don't bother much. So, he isn't fully publicly shaming her here.)

"You know how hostile I can get if anyone insults someone I like, don't you?"

Everyone was silent. One thing to remember when being friends with Gilbert was to not anger him. If someone did, he won't hold back from roasting them to a burnt crisp, even if it was a girl. 

Somehow, you could tell he partially held himself back. After all, he was dealing with a girl he rejected. In some cases, he was considerate.

"____ and I are not dating but..." He looked down at you and smirked, "I wouldn't mind dating her if she was willing to let me."

"Huh?" you blushed. 

"What do you think?" He asked as he looked at you curiously.

"O-okay..." you looked away and blushed harder. 

"Our job here is done. Guys, let's go." Gilbert took Francis, Antonio and you along and was about to leave when suddenly, he stopped for a moment and looked at Alexandra,

"Hey, stop wasting your time and start looking for someone better than me." He waved a hand at her and walked away. 

Gilbert turned to you, ruffled your hair and assured you,

"I'll make sure they don't go after you later." 

"Man," Antonio sighed, "You didn't even tell us that you liked her."

"If I did, both of you idiots would embarrass us in front of everyone. Better safe than sorry." He stuck out his tongue at them. 

Antonio grinned, looked at you, and held out his hand,

"Nice to meet you again, Gilbert's girlfriend!" 

Before you could respond, Gilbert pushed your hand away and shook Antonio's hand.

"Yes, nice to meet you too, I'm ____ boyfriend." 

"Ay, that was not for you, you jealous brat!" Antonio shouted.

"Don't get too jealous though." Francis smiled, "She might leave if you get too clingy."

"I know that, dumbass." He pouted.

You smiled. You still couldn't believe he wanted to date you. Your heart fluttered happily as you watched him laugh with his friends.

Everything about him was irresistible.


ayo hitman bang introduces- 

sorry okay anyway, hope you liked the oneshot! It seemed a little cliche imo, but oh well, I like cliches sometimes.

and the most important (business) I have with y'all today is: (cue drumroll)



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I'M so sorry, i'm more bts trash than I'm hetalia trash but hetalia is still bae (sorry bae)

oh gosh i'm still dropping bts references i'm so sorry

sorry to non kpop / non bts fans 

i love you,


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