[ℝ] Royal! Spain - Fit For A Prince

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Requested by XXInsanity_RosieXX

Antonio, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Spain, was engaged in sword fighting with the King's courtier, his best friend, Lovino, a young Italian man. Both young men were so concentrated on sparring that they didn't hear one of the maidservants calling.

"Your Highness!" Isabella, one of the maidservants shouted over the loud clanging of swords. Realizing that neither of them could hear, she called louder. Thankfully, they heard.

"Yes?" Antonio answered as he lowered his sword and wiped off the beads of sweat on his face.

"His Highness, The King has sent for you." She said, and the Prince nodded quietly.

Isabella left, and Antonio, while putting his sword back in the scabbard, looked at his sparring partner with a smile.

"Too bad we have to delay this match." He said, "I was really getting into it too."

"We'll spar again later." Lovino ruffled his hair and then added, "I hate to say this, but your moves are really sluggish, Your Highness."

"Me, sluggish? In your dreams." Antonio laughed loudly as he walked away.

After bathing himself and changing into fresh clothes, the young Prince showed up in his father's bedchamber. His father was facing the window in his room, hands behind his back.

"You called, father?" Antonio spoke, and his aged father turned around with a smile and looked at his son.

"Yes, I have." Said the king, "Do you know why I called you?"

"No, father," Antonio replied, heart pounding in his chest, recalling every single bad and mischievous thing he ever did.

"You see, Antonio, I'm starting to get old and weak." He started, "And soon, you will have to take over. I assume you're aware that this is what is expected of the Crown Prince."

"Yes, I am aware."

"Furthermore," continued the king, "Before I die, you need to find a suitable young lady to marry."

Antonio pursed his lips. Marriage, the last thing he wanted to do. He seemed displeased, but he didn't dare show it to his father. The king had great expectations for his son, and Antonio respected it.

"You don't seem to look happy with the idea of marriage. Is something the matter?" asked the king.

"No, father, it's nothing. Please continue." Antonio shook his head vigorously. The king cleared his throat.

"And in order to do that, I will send for all the young ladies in the kingdom to prepare themselves for one month in the palace, in order to ready themselves to meet you. From among them, choose the one you like the most."


After a little more talking, Antonio left the room and sighed heavily as he walked down the hallways. How tedious. The very idea sounded like a royal pain in the butt, despite it being a good one.

Antonio marched to his room, and put on some commoner's clothes since he wanted to go out for a ride. Before he left, he informed his attendant the needful and then rode off to the marketplace on his horse.

As soon as the marketplace was in sight, he pulled the hood of his cloak over his head, so as to give off the impression that he was a mere traveler and not the Prince. When he reached a certain pub in the city, he got off his horse and kept it in the stables nearby.

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