[ℝ] England - Unscripted

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You were a rising young and famous actress who went by (insert stage name). You were famous for your authenticity when acting, your beauty and your savageness with haters. 

Just recently, you started acting in a movie as the heroine. Your "hero" was a super charming English man named Arthur Kirkland. He was a sweetheart, probably overdosed on tea but overall, he was an intriguing person and you didn't even realize you started liking him.

On one such working day, the goal was to finish "the date" part of the movie in the rain. And of course, both of you were given casual clothing to wear for the part. You were required to stand at the ground floor of a building for the start.

"And action!" The director shouted and the cameras started rolling. You had your script all memorized, so it wasn't going to be a problem if Arthur was around.

You stood under the canopy of the building, waiting for Arthur. He suggested that both of you spend some time and stroll around London's country side for a while. 

As you looked around, you finally found Arthur and waved at him, according to the script. Somehow, it wasn't in the script for your heart to spontaneously start beating faster.

Ignoring your heart, you continued following the script in your mind. You joined him with a smile and said,

"Hey, I'm so glad to see you."

You secretly wondered if he was glad to see you too. He said his lines, but you were too dazed to remember to remember yours. 


The director's voice snapped you back to earth. Blinking, you looked around in confusion and then realized that you had forgotten to say your line. Apologizing quickly, you assured them you'd execute it properly this time.

"And action!" The director repeated as soon as both of you were in place. You were doing your parts a lot better, now that you were ignoring your heart's feelings. 

Here came the heart racing moment: He opened the umbrella to shield both of you from the rain and held your hand. Although scripted, you couldn't help but feel nervous and tingly when he did that.

"You know, I was thinking..." you paused, "We could play in the rain instead?"

"But why?" he asked.

"I'm just feeling like it." 

"Alright then." He closed his umbrella and smiled, "Let's go crazy."

And then both of you started playing in the rain, jumping in the mud and puddles and running around like little kids. The movie was all about how much both of you tried to enjoy life, despite living in a cloudy, gloomy England.

You were going all according to the script, but it felt like you were doing it for real and you actually enjoyed it. You also wondered if he was enjoying with you too. But this was a movie, he was supposed to and he did a good job at that. 

Finally, both of you stopped at a little stream, sat on the grass, threw off your shoes and sat there, feet in the cold water, despite feeling cold already. While you splashed around, you accidentally kicked his foot. 

Laughing, he kicked back and it became a full fledged fight in the stream. Both of you stood barefoot in the stream (even though there was moss) and decided to splash water at each other.

"Take that!" you grinned and threw some water at him and he retaliated. 

All of a sudden, you slipped and fell butt first in the shallow water (this is scripted). Arthur, or rather, his screen name, Marcus, started laughing hysterically as he helped you up.

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