Russia - Darker The Night, Brighter The Stars

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This oneshot is war themed, but it doesn't reflect anything related to the current war that is going on between Russia and Ukraine. The time set in this oneshot is in the early 1900s.

Also, the previous oneshot had my readers crying in the club, so here's a oneshot with a happy ending uwu

That being said, please Enjoy!


Song: Тёмная ночь (Tyomnaya noch'/ Dark is the Night)


Ivan's P.O.V

I am sick and tired of this stupid war.

The racket of gunfire from both sides kept me from hearing my own thoughts.

I was on the front lines on this cold, dark, winter night. In the shelter of the trenches, I was crouched for rest, armed with my rifle. I was dressed in a crush cap, a dismal coloured military cloak and uniform which kept me warm on this snow.

I felt sick in my stomach, so ill, and so tired. My head ached from all this gunfire, and the yelling of my fellow soldiers. I decided to sing a little song to comfort myself. 

Dark night, only bullets are whistling in the steppe,
Only the wind is wailing through the telephone wires,
Stars are faintly flickering...

In the dark night, my love, 
I know you are not sleeping.
And near a child's crib
You secretly wipe away a tear.

Thoughts of my dear wife and child came to mind as I stared at the gaping hole of the dugout just below. I wondered how she and the little one fared. The little one was just a suckling baby when I left. It's been a while now... I wonder how big the child has grown. 

A freezing wind blew and I shivered, even under all the layers of clothing over my skin and fat under my skin. I wish I was at home in bed in the arms of my wife. It's cold and lonely here.

I brought to mind our wedding day. My dear _____... she looked so beautiful in her red and white wedding dress. Our first night together, the birth of our child, our many happy moments together, ah, how I miss my wife.

How I love the depths of your gentle eyes
How I want to press my lips on them!

I remembered our initial days of our married life. I'd hold her in my arms and gaze into her beautiful eyes while she would look away shyly. She was so dear and so cute, that I'd kiss her all over her face.

She'd put her arms around my neck and completely melt under my lips. It would take her a bit of time to finally give me my share of kisses, but knowing how shy she was, I didn't mind waiting. 

She was the loveliest woman I've ever met. No other woman in the world made me so shy, so jittery, and so warm as she did. She was always there for me, making sure I was heard, loved, cared for, and well fed. I am the luckiest man in all of Russia. 

Right there in the middle of battle, I couldn't help but fantasise all the things I wished to do to her and for her when I returned home. Oh, I want to eat her delicious cooking again, and make love to her, buy her flowers and sweets, hug her, kiss her, dance with her in our living room... I have an endless list.

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