Hesse - Meet Me After Class (Pt. 1)

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For those who don't know, Hesse is a German state and in Hetalia, he is a minor character representing the same and I think he has only one appearance in the manga.

 This is a teacher x student story. The age gap is just 5 years though. I guess it doesn't make it very inappropriate lol. Buuuut I understand if this type of story is not something you like. In that case, feel free to skip.

This oneshot ended up being 9k words (proper short story lol) in total, so I divided it into 2 whole parts with 9 sub parts just for ease. This first part has 4 sub parts.



Part 1 - Get a Boyfriend!

"You look pathetic without a boyfriend," said your eldest brother, Gilbert as he was sprawled on the couch flipping channels on the television, watching you aimlessly scrolling on your phone.

"Where's this coming from?" you looked up at the albino.

"You're out here having absolutely no love life ever since your diapers," he shrugged, "It's pathetic,"

"I'm okay with it,"

"And I'm not," your brother sat up straight, "I made a new friend recently and he told me he wants to meet somebody new. And since I'm worried that you'll die an old maid, I set both of you on a blind date,"

"What?!" you shrieked, "Why?! You didn't even ask me!"

"You'd say no if I asked, so I didn't bother," he shrugged, "The date is on Thursday evening at seven PM."

"But Gil!" you whined.

"Just meet him!" he said, exasperated, "He's around your age, maybe five years elder, so you both might have some things in common. You can decide after that what you wanna do."

It seemed fair enough. You relented.


Part 2 - Mr. Kaiser

"You've been doing poorly on your tests, Miss ____," said Mr. Kaiser, who was your lecturer at college for (insert subject), with disappointment on his grim face.

Mr. Hermann Kaiser was undisputedly the most handsome lecturer in your college. He had long, straight blond hair which he tied into a low man bun usually, piercing blue eyes, and a long, curious looking diagonal scar across the length of his cheek that started at his jaw and ended just above his eyebrow.

You stood in front of his desk in the staff room as a result of a previously failed test. It was so bad that he had written right on the top of the exam paper, "meet me after class".

"What's going on?" he asked as he threw the papers on the desk and sat back on his chair, interlacing his fingers on his crossed legs while staring at you with his serious but disappointed blue eyes, "Have you not been understanding the material?"

"I'm afraid not..." you pursed your lips and fiddled with your fingers.

Mr. Kaiser sighed heavily, "Why didn't you tell me? You're a senior, and it's your last semester. Don't you know that your poor grades in one subject will affect your overall grade for the semester?"

You said nothing but to abashedly look down at your feet.

"You'll need some extra classes," he said, "One hour every day, starting tomorrow, after all your classes until your mid-semester exams. We can decide to stop or continue based on your performance,"

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