Germania - Believable Act

578 15 10

AU: Modern Day

Names: Germania - Wilhelm; Roman Empire - Lucius

Nationalities: Germania - German; Roman Empire - Italian


The lights flashed around, music blared, people were drinking away and dancing, and you were all alone in an obscure corner, uncomfortably sipping your drink, eyes darting this way and that, looking for your friend Lucius.

Lucius was a party animal, so you figured he was somewhere in the heart of the club, dancing, drinking, and flirting with the scantily clad ladies. You wished you could get out, but you didn't have any transportation since you came with Lucius.

You didn't even want to come to the club, but the Italian dragged you against your will, saying that you were "not having enough fun". You liked being at home and minding your business better.

You took another sip of your drink and sighed, waiting in vain for Lucius. Knowing him, he wouldn't leave the club until the first rays of light peeked out of the horizon. Of course, you were not going to stay that long.

As you scanned the club for your friend, you found someone undesirable lurking around in the same club that sent sirens ringing in your head: your ex.

Oh no, oh no, oh no!

Your ex had been desperate to get back to you lately, and your many rejections only seemed to make him push himself on you stronger. He was actually a normal fellow even until the breakup, but it almost felt like he was possessed by something when he suddenly started begging you to come back.

It seemed that he was with his group of friends a considerable distance away from you. You stood there frozen, frantically thinking about how to escape. While you looked around helplessly, you were unfortunately noticed by your ex.

Figuring that the best course of action was to find a fake boyfriend, you decided that the first man you laid eyes on when you turned your face to the right would be the one who would be the victim of your plan. You did so and spotted a lone gentleman some distance away from you. You made a run for him.

"Excuse me, sir!" you called loudly over the music and tugged the sleeve of his coat.

He turned to you. He looked like a fine fellow with his long blond hair pulled together in a low bun; he wore a black turtleneck, and an overcoat; he was stone-faced, but attentive.

You immediately found him to be very attractive.

"I need your help!"

"How can I help you?"

"My ex is at this club and I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend. I can't make any more explanations. He may have seen me already," you explained hurriedly, anxiously looking over your shoulder.

The man looked unsure, but seeing the panic on your face made him oblige immediately.

"Thank you!" you heaved a sigh of relief. He nodded.

"I will put my arm around you for safe measure, if it's okay with you," he said.

"Of course!" you exclaimed desperately, "Anything to make it look believable,"

He put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close. You, for the sake of the act, leaned against him.

"Tell me about yourself," he took a sip of the drink he had in his hand.

You took notice of his large, masculine hands; he had a couple rings on, but his ring finger was vacant.

You told him your name, and other basic things about yourself and threw in even some obscure, unimportant facts, all of which he listened to attentively. He also introduced himself.

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