He sighed "Hi mama, Kari, Jakob and Aaern. Sorry it's taken me so long to come and visit. I don't know what to say?" He muttered nervously, everything about him was so childlike; he was like in this moment he was the 11 year boy who had just witness is family murdered.

"Say whatever you want, tell them whatever you want. I'm going to go wait by the oak tree over there." He nodded we both knew this moment where he spoke with his loved one should be between them, and I felt if in the future he wanted to tell me what he said I would listen. "Just wave me over if you need me." I got up dusting the debris off my dress, running my hand through Thor's hair before departing.

^^^^^^^ THOR'S POV^^^^^^^

Although Charlotte was only five feet away it felt like miles, but I knew this moment was one I would have to do alone.

"I now live in the cabin we build in the woods in the middle of Papa Darrah's land." Growing up with an abusive alcoholic father my mother tried to shield us as much as she could. She would constantly talk about us moving deep in woods where no one could find us because the land was in our family name and was untouchable by other. About a year before my families untimely death we finally started working on making it a reality, whenever my father would get blackout drunk and we knew he wouldn't wake for 12 hours or so, mother would drive us to the public park of the woods and we would walk a few miles to get where my house currently was located.  We got a quarter of the way finished when father starting getting suspicious, so we were never able to make it back.

I twirled a piece of grass in my fingers "It took me almost 2 years but I finished building it. You guys would love it's got the two bedroom we talked about, unfortunately Aaren and Jakob no bunk beds. I wish I could  tell you more about what I've been up to, but before meeting Lottie I didn't do much. I just wake up go about doing the choirs around the house, feeding the chickens, clean their coup, chopping wood. I know mama there is more to life you always told us that, but after what father did I just shut down."

After we would get beat by our father my mother would always confront us telling us life would get better, because we deserved better. She spoke how we would all one day find someone who loved us and never hurt. Even with two black eyes and a swollen lip she instilled hope in us, my older brothers would always look at her with what I now knew as doubt. I thought about even during the darkest of times my siblings and I were thick as thieves some would find it weird with a 11 year old best friends being his 15 year old twin brothers and 8 year old little sisters, but we were all we had.

"I miss you guys so much, not a day goes by where you guys aren't on my mind. I wish I was stronger and could stop him." I punched the ground "If only I was as strong and big as I am now, I could of protected you all. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I love you guys so much. I wished I would of died with you..." I cried out. "And now I feel guilty that I don't wish that anymore. She made me not feel that way anymore" I turned to look at Lottie who staring at me with the caring intensity in a brown eyes I had grown to love, she gave me two thumbs up and I gave them back turning back to my family.

"Mama you would love her. The way we met was horrible and disgusting and I wasn't able to fully save her like I would of liked but she says I did enough. She so beautiful and I'm sure Jakob and Aaren would try to flirt with her, and she so funny, and the kindest person I have ever met and I know you guys know I haven't met many people but I'm sure they don't get any better than her. Kari I can see you being jealous of her and thinking she stealing me away, but I know without her I wouldn't be here. I think I'm in love with her she makes me want to live and give her everything I go but she has a boyfriend and she likes him a lot." I could hear my mama telling me to go after what I want.

"I don't know if it's that easy mama. She really likes him a lot although he doesn't listen very well; he thinks I'm an old man. Anyway enough about me Happy Birthday Kari I can't believe you'd be 30 and probably still terrorizing all of us with your antics." Kari was just like mama she never let anything get her down, and after our beatings she would still be smiling and helping clean us up. Whenever we'd go to town she would constantly ask for different things she knew we couldn't have and make silly faces whenever she was turned down. I held up my hand for Charlotte to come back this was starting to get too much.

When she came over she was holding a small cake in her hands. "No birthday is complete without a cake." She smiled taking a seat next to me, she used her free hand to wipe the tears from my eyes. "I know they loved you very dearly T and I'm sure they miss you as much as you miss them. Now let's sing happy birthday."

After we finished singing she held up two works and we began to eat the strawberry filled cake. One day she would be mine I just have to be patience but I felt it in my soul that we were destined to be together.

"Thank you for this. For being my best friend and getting me out of just existing. I love you."

She smiled that megawatt smile that drove me crazy "Aww I love you too Thor! You deserve to be happy, your family would want you to be happy living." She said putting her fork down and hugging me, yeah one day she would realize I meant it in more way then on but right now I was perfectly content being just friends until she showed me the signs she was ready.

Monster In The Woods (BWWM)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora