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August 9th
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“Day after day, the echoes of losing you resonate in my bones.”

—Ranata Suzuki

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“Wake up.” I say, climbing on top of Ethan and giving his cheek a soft tap.

He groans, grabing onto my hips as his eyes slowly crack open. “Mmm,” he smiles lazily at me as I place my hands on his chest. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” I smirk playfully, walking my fingers up his chest and gripping his stubbly jaw with my hand. “Good morning.” I hover close to his lips.

He smiles before pecking my lips softly. “It is now.”

Slowly he sits up, pulling me further onto his lap. I watch as he studies my face, his blue eyes darting from feature to feature, lingering on my lips.

His eyes meet mine again and he furrows his brows. “Are you okay?”

It's as if all my strength is sucked out of my body with those three words.

How did he know?

Was I that easy to read?

I smile weakly, tilting my head. “Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?” I can already feel the dampness in my eyes betraying me.

He flashes me a look of disappointment. “Seriously? We're gonna do this today?”

I purse my lips.

I knew we should've talked last night, but I didn't want to accept it. This is the third nightmare I've had since Kelly's accident and the two are definitely related.

Just thinking about her makes me want to disappear, so I can't imagine saying the words out loud. I don't even know where to begin.

My eyes well up as I watch his expectant expression. I chew on my bottom lip and duck my head.

When I don't answer, Ethan sighs, pushing me off of him and climbing out of bed.

I'm left tangled in the sheets with a rueful expression as Ethan opens the balcony doors and steps outside.

The dry air mixes with the air conditioner and I begin to feel warmth cover me. I push my hair out of my face and frown as I glance at his figure. The bright sun casts an almost angelic glow on him, and although I can't see his face, his body language speaks volumes.

“Ethan.” I call pathetically from my spot on the bed.

He doesn't even acknowledge me.

I huff, climbing out of bed and slowly follow him out onto the balcony.

My bare feet burn hot on the wooden floor as I wrap my arms around his waist. He tenses as I bury my face into his side. “Babe, what's wrong?” I pull away to gauge his angry expression. “What did I do?”

He glances at me briefly then shakes his head as he brushes me off.

I step back, slightly hurt and confused as I wrap my arms tightly around myself.

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