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He keeps his paw moving over my hair as we talk- about what happened, with him.. "dying", and the whole time span after that, leaning my head on his shoulder as we sit up against the headboard, just trying to get through what happened and understand it.

After the talk I go back to my room, avoiding everyone until I walk inside- and Jack's sitting on my bed, reading through one of my books.

"Hey. Hi. Jack? Yeah. Get the fuck out."
I practically growl when I see him, shifting to hide my arm behind me, but then my eyes move to the shadow in the corner of my room.
I carefully close my door behind me and step in more, trembling slightly when Pitch appears, and 'Jack' dissipates to sand.

The black partials swirl by my feet before returning to Pitch, and I slowly move to sit on my bed, using my hand to cover my arm, watching him as he watches me.

"... what do you want?"

"To apologize maybe, make amends?"

"I don't want anything from you other than to die."
I huff, glaring.
"I'm not gonna take your bullshit anymore."

He seems to almost pout, and slowly crosses the room to sit on the bed next to me, but I stand quickly, glaring as I growl.
"If you don't get five steps away from me i fucking swear!"
I raise my hand up, my palm glowing orange and small flames at my fingertips, my eyes dark.

"It's not like I'm going to hurt you- was a little bit of manipulation really too much for you to handle?"

"Step, the fuck off!"
I clench my jaw and take a hard step forward, the orange glow slowly going down my forearm, and reaching my elbow, a smoky, burning smell entering the air.

He simply chuckles, and I growl lowly in my throat, my eyes darkening as I watch him.

"Just come back with me, I can make you better."

I almost scoff, sneering as I watch him, stepping back to the door as he stands.
"You'll make me a slave of yours, you disgusting pig."

The flame on my hand grows, blinking and my eyes widen when he disappears, and I jump and yelp when I feel hands on my shoulders. I encircle a flame around me to flush all the shadows out, turning to see him, glaring when I see his in my way of the door.

"Move Pitch."

He chuckles and shakes his head, gliding to the side, his hands still hidden behind his back. I turn so I'm still facing him, making sure not to turn my back to him.

"Alright, fine.. I'll go."
He sneers at my persistence, and my hands start to shake as I watch him, glaring and snarling as he exits through my window, chasing after him and making sure he leaves before I let myself relax.

I stand at the window, watching the woods before i slowly turn, heading to the door and letting my flames go out, not noticing the small pile of sand on the ground where he was standing.

I return to my room a few hours later, yawning and stretching my arms above my head, chuckling as Loki jumps up and curls up into my pillows, gently rubbing his head before I turn, grabbing some candles and setting them aflame around my room, looking around and giving a small nod once I'm sure my room is lit enough.

I sink into the bed, making sure the window is shut before I pull the blanket over me, gently moving Loki over a small bit before resting my head on the pillows, once hand gently rubbing and petting his side, smiling once his breathing slows.

After a while I follow suit, my eyes shut and breathing slow, snoring softly.

She lives in only the dark. [pitch black x reader]Where stories live. Discover now