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The door opened and I tried to stay still as I could and slow my breathing.
"(Y/n)?" I herd Tooth ask. I stayed silent and decided to keep pretending.
"(Y/n) I know your awake, please talk to me." She said sternly.
"Who else is here?" I asked, eyes still closed and arms faced down.
She sighed in defeat and breathed in.
"Bunny." She said flatly.
I peeked my eye open and sure enough, Bunnymund was there.
"Hey Sheila." He said in his thick Australian accent, waving his big paw on the air once, than letting  it fall to his side.
"Hey." I whispered quietly with a weak smile.
"So... What's going on?" I ask, hoping they don't bring up my wrists.
"What happened to your wrists? Did Pitch do it?" Tooth asked.
Well shit.
"Well, when I woke up in his lair place, I soon after realized this happened to my arms, so Pitch must have did it." I lied.
I'm lying to the guardians faces... I'm dead meat!!!
They stared at me quizzically until Bunny shrugged.
"Alright, c'mon Sheila, we betta get Ya to the warren, you'll be safer there." Bunny said and picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, again, and walked out of the room.
I struggled to get out of his grip and glared at Tooth, who just laughed.
"I do have legs Ya know!" I yelled and flipped myself so my back was bending over his shoulder, which hurt.
"Ow ow ow ow... Bunny help." I said and tired to flip back over.
He sighed and positioned me to were I was sitting on his shoulder.
"Thanks!" I said as we entered what I call the globe room. Which has the giant globe with little yellow dots mostly all over the continents.
"What are those yellow dots?" I asked Bunny while tapping the top of his head, agitating him.
"Those my dear, are the believers." I hear a British voice echo around the workshop, scaring all the elves and yetis into hiding.
Bunny carefully set me on the ground and whipped out his boomerangs, pointing them about the room.
"Pitch!! Show yourself!!" I hear North yell as he ran into the room, along with Sandy, Jack, and Tooth.
I slowly walked around Bunny and out of his way, while staring at the globe.
"And believers," he continued, "are just horrible." He finished off by walking out of the pole holding the globe and standing on the content of Africa.
"What are you doing here Pitch?!" Jack yelled, pointing his curved staff towards the king of night.
"Oh, you already know that Frost, I'm here for my little, friend." He said and disappeared into the shadows, I looked around franticly looking for him.
"W-where is-" a freezing cold hand slammed over my mouth, making my talking and screaming muffled.
My eyes went wide as sand crept up my legs. I kicked and shook, trying to make it stop.
The guardians all looked at me, than realized that pitch was behind me.
Jack ran over to help me but suddenly I went flying over to the globe, my back made a crunching sound as it hit the pole, making me scream in agony.
"(Y/N)!!!!" Tooth yelled and flew over but Pitch's nightmares surrounded me, making my hair fly on my face.
I tried to move but my arms were around the pole and sand surrounded my wrists, acting like handcuffs, same around my feet.
Tears streamed down my face, making some of the nightmares whiney in victory.
My back felt like it was on fire, and made the pain even worse.
"P-please, stop... It hurts." I whispered and closed my eyes.
I felt air push into my face, making the air around me turn cold.
I slowly opened my eyes to see a black snout.
I looked higher and saw gold eyes.
It trotted around me and put pressure onto my back with its snout, making it even more unbearable.
I screamed the loudest that I could, making all attention towards me.
My back popped into place and the mare removed it's nose from my back, making me pant from screaming and lack of air.
The mares stopes circling me and moved, only to reveal the bodies of broken and barely alive guardians.
"No, NO! NO NO NO!!!" I shook my head and tried to move, I was filled with anger, rage, sadness, and cold. I couldn't describe it.
The tingling feeling came back to my eyes and I looked at my hair.
(F/c) highlights and tips.
I pulled harder and the sand around my legs and arms, as I pulled it flew in he air around me.
I ran forwards, searching for Pitch.
"Pitch!!! Show yourself you coward!" I yelled.
"Ya know, if you find me, you won't be able to touch me." I herd the sand murmur.
"Why not?" I sneered and glared at the sand.
"It's all I dream... Just. A dream." He laughed darkly.
"No, not a dream. A nightmare." I whispered and closed my eyes, willing myself to wake.
Wind whirled around me, I snapped my eyes open. I was kneeling on the ground, my arms still around the pole.
"Finally, your awake."
I looked up to find Jack, but... Not Jack?
He had yellow eyes, with black hair, a black hoodie and grey skin.
"W-what happened to you?!" I asked and pulled, still tied to the pole.
"Oh, Ya know. Just a little black sand is all." He smirked and waved his hand, making me untied.
"Is this another nightmare? Where's Tooth, North, Bunny and Sandy?!" I asked and gripped onto his shoulders, shaking him around.
"GET OUT OF JACK!!!" I said and bent him over, hitting the back of his head with my palm.
"Ahh!! Stop it you little cunt!!!!" He yelled and slapped me, making my head snap yo the right.
I had my lips puckered and my eyes were wide.
Oh hell no bish. He did NOT just do that!!!
I slowly turned my head to face him, my eyes shooting daggers into his soul.
His eyes went wide and he stepped back, his hands up by his chest.
"Haha. you know, your never supposed to hit a girl." I said and pointed his chest with my index finger.
"Ever." I finished.
He gulped and stepped back, and I stepped forward.
"Get ready to pay you son of a bitch!" I yelled and jumped on top of him, punching him in the face multiple times.
"(Y/n)!!! What are you doing?!" I snapped my head behind me, where the voice came from.
My eyes went wide and I gasped, losing my angry face.
My eyes stung and tears pricked my eyes.
"M-mom... Dad?"

She lives in only the dark. [pitch black x reader]Where stories live. Discover now