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The black spot never went away.

I'm sure jack found out a way to heal or hide his hand, but I was stuck with mine- luckily Bunnymund had a gym built into the NP a while ago, and I was able to spend my time there, wrapping my hands up while taking my pent up anger out on a punching bag.

Ever since I got back- or since I found him really- Loki wouldn't leave my side, and now he was watching from a few feet away, watching the bag swing back in forth every few moments when I pause to take a breath or retape my hands.

"Stupid Jack.. stupid Pitch.. stupid Powers.. stupid- stupid..."

I growl and punch with each word, slowly getting harder and faster before the bag suddenly flies off its hook and slams to the wall, cracking in half, and sand pours out from the tear left behind.

I sigh and pant, running my arm along my forehead to get rid of sweat, flicking it away when I'm done.

I go for another bag, putting it up and starting my wild punches and kicks again, my anger and frustration showing more and more through my stance, slowly becoming less strategic and simply fighting more my instinct- throwing wild and 'unfair' hits.

After almost an hour I hear the door open, my knuckles split and bleeding, but I can't really feel the pain, turning to the door and holding my hand up, my palm glowing a bright orange, and fire on my finger tips.

But I relax when I notice it's only Bunny, and he slowly walks in as I lower my arm, flexing my hand to make the flame go out, and I turn to the punching bag again.

"I think that's enough roughing up for today (y/n/n)... come with me, you need to eat."
Bunny places his arm around my shoulders and pulls my tired form into his chest, my chest tightening at the affection as I lean into his soft, silky side, feeling the corners of my eyes sting.

"I'm fine- I'm not hungry."
I sniff lightly, keeping my gaze on the floor. I wasn't lying- my appetite wasn't as apparent as usual since I'd gotten back. The thought of sustenance only made my stomach churn.

"At least come with me.. I don't want you to be alone."
He pulls us to the door, and I don't leave him- almost in a daze as I'm less to the kitchen, slumping into a chair as he moves to the fridge. I watch him as he's pushing through condiments before grabbing a bowl, walking over to me with a bowl in one hand, and a plate in the other.

He slides the plate in front of me, a fork on the edge of it as he sits next to me, mixing his vegetables (I know- stereotypes) around together, before looking to me.

In front of me is a plate with a small slice of cake, and I smile slightly and pick up the fork, mockingly rolling my eyes before sighing and taking a bite- attempting to actually eat.

"I know it's.. weird that I'm suddenly back but.. I just want you to know that you can talk to-"
"I know- I know I'm okay just... be quiet and stay here."
I lean against his side and close my eyes, sighing in satisfaction when he puts his arm around me again.

"It's alright sheila.. just relax."
He hums as he finishes, and runs his paw through my hair, looking over at me every few seconds.

"I don't want to go back.. I don't want to be here Bunny.. they don't know me- no one knows me.. I'm lonely here.. I can't talk to anyone without hurting them or scaring them away.."
I sniff as I speak, my voice trembling as I open my mouth. The tears only build up begging my eyes, and it's not long before he's pulled me practically into his lap, hugging me tight but comfortably to his chest.

"I know.. it sucks being alone in a world where everyone seems to be exactly the same.. I know."
He sighs, discarding his bowl as he moves his attention to my trembling form, and he frowns more, his ears going down and pressing against the back of his head.

"Let's get out of here- you're not gonna get up? That's okay, it's alright."
He speaks softly before moving to actually pick me up in his arms, carrying me through the halls before we arrive in his temporary room- though the decoration looks identical to the burrow.

He moves over to the bed and sits down gently, leaning his back against the wall as he keeps me against him, noticing I won't let go.

The silence is comforting, and I close my eyes as I'm against him, the tears slowly coming to a stop, and his slow rocking, the paw in my hair helps to calm me down until my breathing is slowed, but I remain awake.

".. you know we're on lock down right? We can't exactly leave since.. Pitch- that's why we're here and not in the actual burrow.. North would have my head if he realized I sneaked you out with me.."

He looks down at me, and I chuckle quietly, shaking my head.
"It's okay.. it's my fault for going with him."

"Your fault? For Pitch kidnapping you? And leading you to the forest? And hurting you? Your friends? That is most definitely not your fault (y/n), I promise."
He hugs me tighter, and my eyes flutter closed as I listen to his heartbeat, letting out a small sigh.

"He loves me.."

"He's manipulating you for your power... you're a newcomer- he wants you on his side.. and the relationship you two have isn't exactly consensual, or healthy. If it's a relationship... he's messing with you since you're already damaged- I know you don't want to hear it but it's the truth... and we can help you if you'd just please stop pushing the others away."

I look up at him as he speaks, frowning slightly as I curl closer to him. My attention is drawn to my hand though after a few moments, dragging my finger over the black splotch.

"- (y/n), what happened? Your hand?"

He grabs my hand with his paw to inspect it closer, slowly running his thumb over the spot.

"I just.. i made physical contact with someone.. there was a weird reaction."


"I can't say.. a pedestrian maybe?"

"Normal citizens can't see you yet (Y/n), we don't know what you even resemble yet. Who was it?"


"Please.. maybe we can work on.. that, to get your mind off of things. Focus on other ordeals?"

It takes me a moment, but I sigh, looking down.

"I slapped Jack's hand away when he went to grab me- that's what happened.. fire and ice don't mix, but he doesn't seem to understand that."

"Why do you say that (y/n/n)?"

"He confessed his love to me a while ago.. he's getting really touchy."

"I'll show him touchy if he fuckin hurts you agai-"

I laugh when Bunny goes to stand, and I grab his arm quickly, pulling him down next to me on the bed- now lying on it as he sat me down.

"Let's just talk and relax, okay Bunny.. I missed you."

He frowns, but then smiles sadly, pulling me close to him again.

"... I missed you too Sheila."

She lives in only the dark. [pitch black x reader]Where stories live. Discover now