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I opened my eyes slowly only to be staring into bright gold ones.
I jumped back a little and hit my head on a... Wall? Ya, a wall, and found myself lying on a dirty mattress.
"What the fu-" I started to mumble.
"No, no cursing in here." The man in black said.
I glared at him and continued.
"Frick. There, that better?" I asked and looked around.
I was on a dark as hell cave.
I noticed the stinging on my wrist and flipped my wrists so the underside show.
They were all filled with the black sand.
"Ow,ow,ow." I mumbled. I completely ignored the "man" I front of me and stared longer.
I lifted my finger to pick at the scars to get the sand out but the man stopped me.
"Don't, it's healing them." He said with concern.
"Okay..." Was all I said.
"Can I go back home, I like it there more." I said, not liking the idea of being in a dark cave.
"No." He said.
"Fine, what's your name?" I asked the man.
"The Boogieman, or pitch black." His British accent carried on.
The boogie man?---SHIT.
"Uh, I um- need something? No. Um, can I- uh...mmmm... Bye." I said and jumped off the bed. I looked everywhere and found different corridors.
I went to the one right I front of me and found myself in a place filled with hundreds of bird cages, and a stone earth model with hundreds of little gold lights.
The believers.
"Hey!! Get back here!" I herd Pitch yell behind me.
I started sprinting again until I came to a door with an Easter egg on it.
"Don't go through there! I'm warning you!!!" I ignored his yells of protest and opened the door as quickly as I could and shut it with a loud bang.
I looked in front of me and saw what looked like a hallway or a cave with light at the end of it.
A cave-way... Ya, I like that.
I herd loud bangs on the other side of the door and jumped into a sprint.
As I got closer to the light I herd voices. Than they stopped and the closer I got I herd yelling.
"What the-" was all I could say before a boomerang hit me right in the face, knocking me onto my back.
"Ahh, shit. That hurt." I said as I sat back up. I looked in front of me and saw a Giant kangaroo with inly one boomerang, a large fat guy with a long white beard and red robe thing, a colorful feather lady, a small sand man, and a teen with white hair, a blue sweatshirt and a long cane.
I grabbed the boomerang that lay beside me and handed it out to the kangaroo.
"Is this yours? Ya look like a kangaroo." I said, he looked like a bunny guessing by the boomerang he was from Australia.
The one in the blue sweatshirt started to laugh while the others, but the kangaroo, smirked and looked at him.
"We got another jacky here, aye bunnymund?" The fat guy said with a strong Russian accent.
"Oi, shut up mate, she's just cocky." 'Bunnymund,' I guess his name was, said.
He walked over and grabbed the boomerang with his giant paw and mumbled a 'thanks mate.'
He started to walk away but his rabbit like ear twitched towards me.
I herd fast paced footsteps coming this way behind me.
"Oh no." I said.
"What? What is it?" The boy in the sweatshirt asked.
"Pitch." I said.
The running stopped right behind me, and everyone's eyes were wide.
I slowly turned my head to the right, to look behind me, and was met with an army of black sand horses and pitch on one of them.
"Heeey...long time no see... Aye?" I asked with sarcasm in my voice.
"What's going on here?" The sweatshirt boy asked.
"Well mr. sweatshirt, this guy decided to kidnap me for who knows what and I ran away. So here he is trying to take me back." I said pointing to Pitch behind me with my thumb.
"So if you could please hand her back, I'll be on my way." Pitch said with his arm outstretched towards me.
"Or, these guys could save me." I pointed to the five "people" I front of me.
"How about no." I herd behind me.
Suddenly Pitch shot out a beam of black sand and it wrapped around my waist, lifting me into the air.
"Ok! Ok! What's going on?!
Put me down! I don't like this!!" I started panicking.
"Hey! Put her down, and we can be on our way and not kick your butt." Sweatshirt said.
"Hey, sweatshirt, what's your name?" I asked him, trying not to panic.
He stared at me with the 'really?' Face.
"Listen, I'm trying not to panic, so please answer me!" I said in a rush.
"Uh, I'm Jack, Jack Frost." He said, clearly confused.
"Oh shut up! No one cares!!" Pitch yelled to me.
"Hey, Pitch?" I asked him.
"What?!" He yelled again.
"I need to tell you a secret." I said all cocky like.
He rolled his eyes and brought me to his face. 
I lifted my hand like I was going to whisper. But instead I brought my hand back and punched him in the jaw.
His sand dropped me and I ran over the Jack and hid behind him.
"Wait!! You guys are the guardians!! How can I be so stupid!!!" I said and face palmed myself.
"Wait, aren't you like, 15?" Jack asked me.
"No, I'm 14 and I just want you guys to exist." I clarified.
"Now, can I have something to fight with?" I asked out loud.
All of a sudden a large ice sword came out of thin air an into my hands.
"Woah." I stared in awe.
"Your welcome." Jack smirked to me.
I got into a fighting stance and closed my eyes, thinking about what this guy did to me.
Nightmares. Depression. Cuts
I opened my eyes and glared at Pitch.
I felt a stinging in my eyes, I tried blinking it away but it wouldn't go away.
I looked down at the sword and looked at my eyes, which were (f/c) and the tips of my hair were the same color.
Show time.
I got back into stance and got ready to pounce.
Pitch caught a glimpse of me before he spoke.
And his midnight horses charged.

She lives in only the dark. [pitch black x reader]Where stories live. Discover now