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As I plummeted down, gold sand gripped me into a small ball like cage and stopped me before I hit the ground.
"No!!" I yelled and slammed my fist's into the sand trying to conflict damage, frustrated that I didn't reach my goal, a tear rolled down my cheek, than two, than three, until I turned into a sobbing mess.
"I wanted t-to leave! G-God d-dammit!!!" I screamed, my throat scratching and itching.
"I don't want to be here!! I want to die already!! What did I do huh?! What can't I leave this retched place?! Am I really that important to you?! If I was than why am I so miserable?! JUST LET ME DIE ALREADY!!!!!!"
I kept rambling to no one, I started to claw and try to tear through the sand. But nothing worked. I curled into a ball and sobbed into my hands. Confused, frustrated, and saddened from my shitty life.
"Why can nothing ever go my way. Not even once?" I whispered.
"I'm a freak, I'm always crying, I'm to clingy, and I always make people around me worry. I wish no one loved me at this point."
I brought my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, and buried my face into my knees.
I stayed that way as my surroundings morphed into what I guessed was North's factory.
The floor was hard and made of wood, and the air was warm and smelled of cookies.
"(Y/n), please, we're sorry, but you should go home." Jack said to me.
I grinned sadly and opened my eyes and stood up, and heading straight towards the exit.
"Yeah, cuz everyone always pushes me away and they truly don't care. I knew this would happen. So if I could please borrow a snow globe to leave." I whispered and held my hand out beside me.
I felt the cold glass of the ball in my hand. I brought it up to my lips and whispered where I wanted to go, and kissed the smooth glass, before chunking it at the floor and watching it shatter. The glass quickly flew into a circular motion and formed a colorful portal. The glass reflected the sunlight and made the room flicker with many assortments of bright colors. Everyone in the room gasped in shock and thought I was hurt. But my unflinching body told them different.
"Goodbye." I said harshly, and without a second thought, I bounded towards the portal.
I stepped into the portal, but the swirling colors around me made me slightly dizzy, and a throbbing headache formed.
"Goddammit." I whispered and my fingers rubbed my temples to soothe the throbbing.
I looked around and failed to notice that I was in my room, and in my bed.
I got out of my bed and put some jeans on and a black hoodie. I put my phone and earbuds in my hoodie pocket, fixed my bed sheets and opened my door, walking downstairs and straight out of the house.
I was right in the pathway outside our porch when my mom spoke up.
"And whee do you think you're going?" My head snapped to the left where my mom sat in her a rocking chair, with a bottle half empty of vodka in her grasp. The glare her eyes sent me made me want to puke, she was pissed, but why, I had no idea.
"I was going to go on a walk, maybe meet our neighbors." I said weakly, with a slight squeak at the end of my sentence. Because, of course, we all have our damn tweaks when we lie.
She glared at me one more time before shrugging, her tone lighter.
"Alright then, if you insist. But remember to be back before eleven for bed." She smiled and stood up, walking inside the house.
I stood there, a look of bewilderment on my face, before I slowly walked down the side walk towards the woods, hoping to find an escape.
As I grew closer to the woods, I plugged in my earbuds into my phone and put them in, listening to many different versions of punk rock.
"All the best people are crazy, all the best people are." I sang along with Melanie as 'Mad Hatter' blasted through my earbuds.
I glanced around as the trees came into my path and the forest looked like a darkened shadow of nature, the snow looked more blue than white in the forest, and the shadows were darker than the ones in the city.
I see something sparkling, and reflecting the sunlight into my face.
A frozen pond.
I smiled slightly and walked forward, sitting in a fallen log near by. I admired the shimmering silver and blue of the frozen water, seeing very slight colorful movements under the ice.
I wanted to walk into the ice, and fall in, just die and let myself disappear. But I didn't. But I don't know why not.
Behind me, I suddenly heard footsteps slowly walking towards me, they were clumsy and uncoordinated.
I turned and looked behind my shoulder, seeing a teenage boy, no older than fourteen, wearing a blue vest, red shirt, and jeans.
He smiled at me, showing a little gap in between his two front teeth.
"Uh, hi." He said and walked closer, revealing a book under his arm.
"H-hi." I said and watched as he walked closer to me.
"May I sit with you?" He asked shyly, I grinned and chuckled, patting the spot beside me.
He was quick to sit and scoot next to me, our legs almost touching. He stared at the pond, a flash of hope flashed in his eyes, as if he were looking for something, or someone important.
"What are you looking for?" I asked and looked at him with a confused face.
"Why, Jack Frost of course!" He beamed and looked me in the eye, his eyes full of happiness and hope.
"I know him, he is actually one of my good friends. I met him only a few days ago, and he's pretty chill." I said with a slight smile, but frowned as memories with Pitch appeared.
He smiled and jumped into a story of how he met Jack also, and told me of the other guardians that I also met, and how they fought Pitch only four years or so ago. When he mentioned Pitch, I drowned with a sorrowful look overcasting my face, making it look as it I watched someone get eaten alive by a giant human eating humanoid.
He noticed my look and placed his hand in mine, before a large creepy grin settled into his lips, making me jump up and slip my hand out of his grip.
"Whoa there bud, cut the creepiness. Like, now, before I slap if off your creepy pubescent face." I threatened and backed away from him, slipping slightly, but just shook it off.
He only laughed, and stepped towards me, and reached out for my arm, and only then did I realize that his hands were slowly turning grey, and his eyes turned a luminescent gold.
I scrambled back, and slid a few feet back when I stopped, and I noticed I was on top of the frozen pond. The sound of cracking notified me to look at my feet, and I looked down to see streaks of cracks protruding from under my feet and extending out around me.
"Oh no, please no, no no no no!" I whispered and watched as they grew larger and deeper.
I looked back to the shore and saw no other than Pitch Black himself smiling at me, and the body of the boy I was sitting next to only moments before.
"Hello (Y/n), how was your talk with little Jamie here, I hope it was memorizable, because those words he said will soon be his last." He chuckled and snapped his fingers, disappearing into the shadows only seconds after.
Moments later, I grew enough courage to slowly walk to the shore, and when I made it, I ran next to Jamie and checked his pulse. Sure enough, he was alive, and I sighed in relief.
Growling. A lot of it was herd from around me in the trees, and I looked around wearily.
"Soon, that little brat will meet his end!!" Pitch yelled from the trees.
I looked around, and found a large tree branch, and picked it up. It was surprisingly sharp at the end and I stood up, and wielded it as a weapon for whatever it was to come, I stood over Jamie, ready to die for the helpless teen.
Wolves jumped out from the trees, a whole pack of them and circled both me and Jamie, and I got my branch ready in a defensive stance.
One wolf bounded towards me, and I slapped the stick into it's snout, making it whine and run back into the woods.
The others charged only moments later, and it was all a blur of skin, grey fur, and a large brown stick.
Soon, when all the wolves had run back into the woods I dropped the stick next to me, my strength had run from me along with the wolves, and left me falling into my knees and onto my back, lying next to Jamie.
As I laid there, I realized Jamie could die from hyperthermia, so I very slowly and weakly wrapped my arms around his torso and breaded his face to my neck, trying to get the poor boy warmer.
Every minute I lay there, I grew weaker and colder. I was having trouble staying awake, as when I was losing hope that we both would live, I looked up to the sky and saw the moon, large and bright, staring down on me.
But as I stared, the light grew brighter, and I tried to hold onto it.
But I couldn't, because I lost consciousness, and fell into the comforting darkness.

She lives in only the dark. [pitch black x reader]Where stories live. Discover now