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I ran towards Bunny, dropping my staff and jumped into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably into his furry shoulder.
"How?! I t-thought you w-were d-dead! God d-dammit! Oh my god!" I squeezed him tighter, and he did the same, not crying, but hugging me tight enough, showing me that he's here.
"It's ok, I'm here, I'm here. I'm ok." He whispered and rubbed my back soothingly.
I sniffed after a good five minutes and let go, and looked around the room, seeing a sad looking Toothina, an angry Jack Frost, a happy North, and a grinning SandMan.
"S-sorry about earlier, I just, forgot."
I shrugged my shoulders and smiled, and we all laughed it off.
"Now, as we were going to say, you are now a guardian! And you can't say no like Jack, we know you like saving kids from your boyfriend!" Toothina said sarcastically and clapped her hands with a smug smile on her face.
I glared at her and picked up my staff again, ready to go back to the room I was in.
"I'll be a guardian, as long as I don't see Pitch's shitty face again." I growled. Almost everyone sighed in relief and I rolled my eyes.
"So, I'm hungry, I'm eating. Hurry up and get your food before I eat everything." I said and zipped to the table, along with a plate in hand and my staff on y back. I picked and snatched anything that looked good yet small enough to make a small yet filling breakfast.
I zipped to the globe room and sat next to the controls as I ate my food, watching the little gold speaks grow brighter by the second.
I soon began to think about who those specks belonged to, before a thought struck me in the heart like a knife.
My heart sped up and my eyes grew wide, and I began choking on air.
I dropped my plate to the ground and ran outside -while ignoring the shattering of glass- where everyone else was eating and chatting.
"What will happen if I'm never believed in?!" I asked as I slid through the doorway, a look of terror and shock on my face.
They all looked worried, and then continued to answer me, but Bunny interrupted everyone.
"You will die."
"Wow, way to be enthusiastic and put it down easy." Jack said and frowned, unhappy with Bunny's choice of words.
Bunnymund shrugged his furry shoulders and hopped away to a different room, an irritated look on his face.
I sighed and ran a hand down my face, thinking of how to make children believe in me.
"You know what? Fuck this! If I never get believed in than I never get believed in! Simple as that!" I growled and stomped outside.
Ugh, I need a break.
I shape shifted into a wolf- because I'm able to do that-  and ran into the woods, deciding a good run was needed right now.
As I ran in the snowy terrain the air around me became warm, and the snow on the ground melted slightly with every step I took.
I ran and ran until I came to a large hole, with what looked like a broken bed frame over it. It felt familiar, and I walked closer to examine it.  I fought with my memories, trying to figure out what this was, but nothing came to mind. I shrugged my wolf shoulders and crept closer, about to step in the seemingly never ending crater.
"I wouldn't go in there if I were you." A familiar, young voice said behind me.i turned around and snapped my jowls at the intruder, ready to fight.
My eyes widened and my ears lowered themselves once I saw the young, brunet haired boy that I saved not long ago.
"JAMIE!!!" I bounded toward him, a look of joy, happiness and excitement filled both of our faces.
"Oh my god your ok!" I sniffed and shifted back to a human, pulling him to the ground with a warm hug. He returned the embrace and patted my back.
Soon we let go of each other and just sat down, talking about what happened after he got attacked.
-"And then I found myself in my bed, warm, safe and sound." He smiled up at me with joy and appreciation.
I smiled back and looked at the hole in front of us.
"So, why shouldn't I go in there? I don't remember anything bad about if from my memories." I sighed and stood up, creeping closer to the hole.
"It's better if you don't remember
(Y/n), you probably don't remember for a very good reason." He said and followed me, tubing my back while trying to comfort me.
"Hey, I'm not sad or anything! Let's go back and catch up, since your back and ok." I smiled and turned into a chestnut brown horse, waiting for Jamie to jump on so we can go.
Once we were ready and set i galloped off, leaving the dark and ominous hole behind me.
I guess I'll just have to sneak back here once everyone is asleep. Than I'll investigate.

She lives in only the dark. [pitch black x reader]Where stories live. Discover now