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My eyes snapped open and my breathing was ragged.
Just. A. dream.
Those words rung in my ears, over and over.
What did it mean?
I looked around and saw I was in an office. With bookshelves covered with books, ice, a fireplace with barely any fire in it, and a big desk. Which I was lying on the desk with a pillow underneath my head and a thin blanket over my legs up to my neck.
I looked on the chair beside me, there was a piece of paper with cursive written on it.
I reached over to grab it but my spine exploded with pain. I winced and my hand retreated back to my side.
I tried it again and again until I got used to the pain.
I reached over and grabbed it, bringing it to my face and started reading.
Dear (y/n),
After the  miss hap with Pitch we got rid of him, your spine is fractured. So don't move around a lot. The reason your in my office is because we couldn't bring you to the clinic because it was encased by nightmares looking for you after the fight.
We got rid of them also but it left a huge mess. And lots of sand and we didn't need you breathing that horrible stuff in.
So I brought you here to my office and locked you inside for protection.
Ps. There's cookies, different cakes, and hot chocolate or milk if your hungry or thirsty.
I chuckled and crumpled up the paper, throwing it in the fire beside me and looked to my left.
Many assortments of cookies and fruitcake sat there with two glasses of hot chocolate and milk.
I fist bumped the air and reached for (favorite cookie or cake) and a drink.
I ate and drank until my hearts content, brushing the crumbs off my attire.
I looked at the window, seeing my reflection.
I wore my hoodie I wore when we arrived at my house, along with a pair of shorts. My hair was a greasy tangled (f/c) mess.
L looked at my eyes, seeing that their still (f/c).  I lowered my gaze back to my shorts.
They went to my knees, covering my scars on my legs.
I shrugged and lied back down. But than I thought; who dressed me? And how did they get my clothes?!
My eyes went wide in thought.
Tooth dressed me. Saw my legs.
Did NOT shrug it off and told the others. They find out I lied.
I'm in some deep shit.
Holy shit!! Is that true?! Can I find out about things while I was asleep?! Like future telling but reversed?! Sweet!
I chuckled at my thoughts and turned to my right.
I saw something move in the corner of my eye.
The window.
I snapped my head that way and saw black sand starting to cover my only source of light, seeping through the red wood.
I started to freak out and tried to sit up, I got to where I could stand and I turned to the giant door, but sand soon enclosed it.
My hands were clammy and I was sweating out of fear. Also shaking.
My breathing was ragged and I turned towards the fireplace. Still lit with a faint spark.
I grabbed a water bottle and opened it, ran over to the fire and poured it onto it. I discarded the water bottle and jumped into the fireplace. I looked up to see a rectangular opening with a black sky with large bright stars, and I smiled with victory.
I started climbing, using my nails and feet to claw at the brick openings.
I was up to where I could reach my hand up and grab the opening.
I hoisted myself out and fell into the red wooden roof.
I panted and for up, looking down I realized I was covered in soot.
I grumbled and tried dusting myself off, only getting more of the black dust onto my hands.
I rolled my eyes and walked as best as I could over to the side of the roof and looked down.
Half of the workshop was covered in black sand.
My eyes widened as it came closer and closer.
I herd loud noises coming from the chimney, I walked, no, dragged myself over and looked down. It was all dark, I tilted my head and listened.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!! Where are you?!" I herd muffled yelling of someone calling me.
"I'm on the roof!!" I yelled down and waited.
No response.
I stomped my foot on the ground like a five year old and sulked over to the side of the building, only to have a nightmare jump in my face.
It started running at me and I ducked when it jumped over me, it turned around and went to jump on me.
I jumped back and my hand turned into a fist, by habit, and I swung an uppercut to the bottom of it's chin, making it whinny in pain and fly off the roof, and when it hit the ground it turned to black sand particles and joined in on circling the workshop.
Suddenly, grunting and yells of pain came from the chimney. This got me thinking, and my mind made a few sharp turns before crashing hard into the gutter.
Uhh, is North doing it with Bunny or something?!
EW!!! HELL NAW!!!! THEY AINT GAY... I think.
I slowly walked over to the chimney, looked down and saw a figure trying to climb up the fireplace.
"Aye, Sheila. Can Ya give me a hand?" I herd a thick Australian accent escapes the figures mouth.
I gasped and reached my hand down, grabbing onto his large fluffy paw and pulling him up, with him jumping out to help.
"Where are the others?!" I asked trying not to worry for the guardians. I don't want anything to happen to them.
"Last I saw em, they were fightin Pitch." He said and cast me a worried look. "And what are ya doin walkin 'round like this with your back hurt?!" He asked while reaching out putting me onto his back. Thank god he did, or I would've been devoured in black sand.
He jumped around the roof, looking for an escape. There was the sky light where the moon shows, but that's a pretty far fall.
"You ready mate?" He asked me suddenly, a large grim on his face.
"For what?" I ask, getting nervous.
He gets in a jumping position, completely ignoring my question, my eyes go large as I realize what he's doing. I gripped to the fur on his back, scared I'm going to fall off.
He jumped, hair flew in my face, blocking my vision partly. But I could still see. The wind Bree past my ears making a whistling sound.
This reminded me to much of the plane.
Tears crept past my eyes as we fell.
I screamed on the way down while he laughed. When we landed, which was on the globe, I wiped my eyes quickly and jumped off his back, leading to me thwacking his forehead.
"Ow!" He yelled and rubbed his head, I giggled and pranced around the globe as he chased me, not a care in the world.
Suddenly, two nightmares appeared in front of me, making me run smack into one of its chest.
I rubbed my nose, muttering a string of curses. My eyes trailed up towards the horse in front of me, making my eyes go wide. I trampled backwards, my leg's shaking in fear. Bunny stopped and stared at my shaking trembling body, his eyes trailed towards what I stared at.
His eyes went wide, and his mouth turned into a snarl.
"I'd suggest that you calm down dear, before you get trampled." A thick British voiced accent entered my ears, making the hair on the back of my neck standing up.
"P-Pitch." I whispered, my body going stiff.
"(Y/n)~" he purred into my ear, his hand gripping my shoulder, his body behind me.
"Bunny?!" I asked louder, worried for my friend.
"He isn't here right now, try again later." Pitch snickered behind me, my hands turned into fists, popping the knuckles and turning them white.
I growled the deepest I could, making his hand retreat back to his side.
I herd muffled yells further behind Pitch, meaning someone was in trouble.
I stared at the floor, my breathing becoming slower and slower, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I spun on my heel and opened my eyes, my hand whipping up from my side, and making a satisfying smack when hitting Pitch's cheek, making his head zip to the right.
I stared at him, with raging fire in my eyes. He turned his head slowly, a snarl placed on his usual smirking face.
His eyes seemed to be a grey color now, probably because of the moonlight.
"Alright then, guess I have no voice..." He said, sweeping his hand harshly in my direction, my body went flying back into a far wall, my back making a huge cracking sound, coming with a whimper from my mouth from the pain. He flicked his hand in my direction again, sending black sand around my body, being used as roped.
"But to do this." He said with a sickening chuckle at the end.
I just glared at him, watching him turn around and walk towards another swirling vortex of sand behind him.
His hand made a fist, making the sand be on tighter, it decreased and Bunnymund's head came into view, the sand got tighter around his body, squeezing the life out of him, he yelled in pain as the crunching of bones was herd.
My eyes went wide, tears streamed down my face and I screamed, I screamed my loudest.
"BUNNY!!!" I thrashed around in the sand, trying to get out, I fought against it, even clawing at it, getting my skin in the process.
"BUNNY!!! HOLD ON!!" I screamed again, shaking my head and pushing against the wall I was squeezed against.
I screamed, pushing and using all the force I had. Tears came out like waterfalls when the screaming decreased, and shallow breathing was herd.
I stopped my thrashing and my head whipped up, towards where the previous yells were coming from.
"Bunny?" I whispered.
Tears came out like a waterfall, I started sobbing.
I went limp, the sand around me dissipating, making me fall limply to the floor.
I sat on my knees, staring ahead as screams of protest escapes my mouth.
My hands went to my ears, I screamed, and screamed and screamed.
"BUNNY!!!!" I screamed and I finally got feeling in my legs.
I stared ahead.
He wasn't moving. He wasn't breathing. His ear fell over his eyes, while the other lay upwards on the floor.
I stood up and ran towards him, I fell in my knees when I fell to his side.
I brought my fingers towards his neck below his jaw, looking for a pulse.
Nothing. I moved my hand to his chest, where his heart is.
I grabbed his big furry arms and shook them, even in their crooked form.
I cried in distress, wishing I could have don something. Hot wet tears streamed down my face, I gripped onto his chest and shook him, trying to wake him up.
I finally stopped when my arms gave out.
I cried and curled into a ball, my head resting on his chest. My arms wrapped around my legs and I slowly rocked back and forth. My shoulders shaking with every cry.
"B-Bunny, please come back..."

She lives in only the dark. [pitch black x reader]Where stories live. Discover now