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I swam and swam, looking for a place to rest my aching dolphin body, but I also needed to shift soon, or I would pass out from overworking my powers.
Of course, it was a stupid idea to jump into the ocean and swim to the middle of nowhere. Having no idea where any spot of land is so I can rest.
I was stuck, and I couldn't swim for I was to tired, I couldn't shift into a different animal or I would pass out, and be in danger of animals that eat other animals.
I may be dead, but that doesn't mean I can't die again.
I sighed, swimming to the top of the ocean so I could shift and be able to breathe air instead of water and drown.
I shifter soon after breaking the surface, taking gulps of air and looking around for any piece of land.
But there was nothing in sight.
I was in the middle of nowhere, with no friends or companions to help me.
A chill ran up my spine as I felt something glide across my foot, making me freak out and bring my legs closer to my body.
"Oh no, there are sharks in the ocean, and I'm all alone with no shelter! What was I thinking?! Oh no, no, no, no, no!"
I shook with fear, seeing the huge body of a shark below me in the freezing waters, thinking of the worst happening to me while I was out here.
What the hell was I thinking?!
I started to splash water around me, arousing the shark below me and making its attention turn to me.
I started to cry, knowing that this wouldn't end well.
"No, no, no, no, no, please! I- I d-don't want t-to die l-l-like this. I- I- I c-can't!" I sobbed, my lungs heaving and my body shaking from the temperature of the water.
The fish below me started to swim towards my quivering body, opening its mouth wide and showing rows and rows of sharp teeth.
Screaming out in desperation I jerked my body to the left, kicking my arms and legs around wildly trying to get away from the giant beast.
Taking a deep breath I dove down into the cold water, closing my eyes and just swimming straight down to escape the monster right on my tail.
I felt the water around me get heavier to swim through, and screamed in desperation, making the air in my lungs flow out of my mouth in one giant bubble.
I couldn't do anything. I was weak, and I could only accept what was coming for me.

I turned, expecting to see the great white about to swallow me whole, but I thought wrong.

The whole scene before me changed. The water had turned to white tiled walls and a sudden white carpet floor appeared beneath my feet.
I wasn't drenched or cold, but I was weak and almost fell from exhaustion.
Looking around I noticed an all white queen sized bed next to me against the wall on my right and a wooden desk beside it.
There was a door next to the bed and another one that sat by itself on the left side of the room. Behind me a wardrobe sat filled to the brim with comfortable looking clothing.
Looking down at my self, I noticed I was wearing a light blue knee length sleeveless dress, with white Adidas and black leggings.
I could only wonder how I got here and what had happened to my original outfit.
I stumbled towards the bed, flopping down and inhaling through my nose, and exhaling in a sigh.
"So... Tired..."
I turned so I was facing up towards the bleach white ceiling, my eyes growing heavier and heavier as seconds ticked by.
I finally shut my eyes and drew in a deep breath, falling into a deep slumber.


Something was shaking my shoulder, trying to wake me up. I didn't really feel the need or want to get out of this extremely comfy bed so I merely shrugged the hand off, mumbling in annoyance.
"Let me sleep." I pushed the hand away as it was placed on my shoulder again, rolling onto my stomach and pulling the covers over my head blindly.
The annoying peon trying to wake me chuckled and a small smile quirked onto my lips as I recognized the voice, slowly pulling the covers off of my head from the nose up.
The British spirit looked into my eyes with a new, different look. A look I had never seen before on him, yet on a certain snow spirit.
"What are you so happy about?" I tried to impersonate his british accent, failing miserably, and giggling while doing so.
He sighed and rolled his eyes, a small smile on his lips.
He leaned down over me so close that our noses almost touched, his eyes entrancing mine to stare into the gold abyss.
He sighed, looking over my face soon after getting me to move the blanket down to my neck, holding my hands in his.
"You're beautiful."
"I know, I was born that way!" I smiled like a child and stuck my tongue out of the side of my mouth, closing my eyes from smiling so much.
He chuckled once more and lightly pushed my shoulder, jokingly pouting about my obvious remark.
"You ruined the moment! I was supposed to be all lovey dovey and your supposed to say "aww! Thank you so much! Your the best, best, best, best, bestest boyfriend in the whole entire wooooooooooooorld!!!" He mocked my voice, making it sound more like a fake cheerleader trying to impersonate a dying rat than me.
"I do not sound like that! And you don't wake up your girlfriend from a well deserved nap if you want to be called 'the bestest boyfriend in the whole world!' Plus, 'bestest' isn't even a word!"
I smiled and lightly punched him back, squealing in surprise afterwards when he jumped up and began to tickle me in any spot he could reach.
"It's a new word now!"
I laughed and pushed him away, jumping away from the bed and underneath it to hide.
Great hiding spot I know.
"Says who?" I giggled, looking around to make sure he couldn't grab me.
"Says me!"
He grabbed onto my exposed ankles and dragged me out from under the bed, attacking my ribs and sides with his evil fingers.
"N-no! Stop- pfft! No! W-wait! Hahaha!! P-please! I s-surrender! I surrender!"
He stopped and turned me over so I was lying on my back, facing him.

He sighed, shaking his head and closing his eyes.

I turned my head to look at him, linking our fingers together.


He stopped breathing, raising his head to look me in the eyes.
His gaze was sharp and intimidating, making me suddenly gasp in fear.

"Your so gullible."

I tilted my head in confusion like a lost puppy, tears forming in my eyes.


"You failed your test."

She lives in only the dark. [pitch black x reader]Where stories live. Discover now