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I herd footsteps walking towards me, along with a few mumbles of British gibberish. It was Pitch, I could tell by the accent and the dark aurora radiating off his figure.
"Oh (Y/n), I'm so sorry my love, But we must leave." Pitch said and reached down to my fatally lying figure. His arms wrapped under my legs and my back.
He started carrying me towards a shadowy corner in the workshop, my eyes were dazed and I didn't move, I couldn't. My mind wouldn't work properly. The only thing that was working was the beating of my heart and by breathing, which I wanted to stop.
I felt empty, hollow, and closed off from any emotion. I didn't even know what's happening around me. Everything in me was gone. Nothing mattered to me anymore.
Tears still fell, I was mostly friends with Bunny and Sandy. But still with Tooth, Jack and North. They were still my friends, but losing the only one that kept me from danger and boredom just made me give up.
He wasn't coming back, I lost hope in that and everything else. I wasn't hopeful for anything anymore.
Because now hope was gone.
I closed my eyes and listen to the noises around me. And I did listen intensely.
Just like my emotions.
We walked through the shadows, only hearing the quiet "pit pat" of Pitch's footsteps through the darkened halls.
"Pitch?" I whispered, my voice echoed off the dark halls, makeover my voice sound distant.
"Yes my love?" He asked and looked at me questingly. Still walking down the narrow hallway.
"W-why?" Is all I could say.
Why did you kill him? Did you think that would make me love you? What did I do to deserve to watch his death. Why make me suffer like that. What the hell happened to you before today?
"Why what?" He asked, slowing his pace to a stop to put me on my feet and gripping my shoulders, making me look him in the eye.
"Why... Why... Why..." Is all I could muster trying to think of what to say.
"Why what?!" He snapped at me, shaking my shoulders.
"Why... Me?" I asked, tears pricking the corners of my eyes.
"What did I do for you to choose me to torment? What did Bunnymund do for you to kill him? Why do you say or act like you love me when you truly apparently don't?! Huh?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE SUCH A HORRIBLE FUCKING LIFE?! WITH ABUSIVE PARENTS, DYEING FRIENDS, AND A "LOVE" OBSESSED NIGHTMARE KIMG?! HUH?! HUH PITCH?! WHAT DID I DO TO GET STUCK WITH YOUR SORRY ASS?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My voice cracking with a sob at the end, tears streamed down my face as I came closer to Pitch, my index finger poked his chest while he stared at me with an unknown facial expression.
"I... I don't know (Y/n)... I don't know." He said and looked at the ground, hands hung by his side.
"Of course you don't." I sighed, crossing my arms and walking around Pitch to find a way out.

She lives in only the dark. [pitch black x reader]Where stories live. Discover now