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My back pressed against the wall as I looked around.
Dead end.
Dark everywhere.
Can't see squat.
In front of me was a long hallway with only one way to go.
I herd slow footsteps and my breathing became faster, I squeezed my eyes shut and searched for a weapon to use.
"Oh (y/n)... where are you?~"
I hear around me in the darkness, much closer than the footsteps.
Tears welled up in my eyes and I shook my head rapidly.
"Leave me alone!!!" I screeched.
"There you are..." I hear I front of me.
I opened my eyes slowly and turned my head, tears streaming down my face.
I shut my eyes again. I felt his cold thumb rubbing against my cheek, and wiping away my tears.
I opened my eyes once again and stared at the man right in front of me, wiping my tears away with a soft and pitied expression.
"W-what do y-you w-want f-rom me?" I asked and shook with terror.
He didn't answer and my knees buckled, making me fall to the ground.
My hands went up to my head and pulled at my hair, making a great pain escape from the roots of my hair and scalp.
'I'm going fucking insane... Nothing makes sense for shit... Help me... GOD I JUST WANT TO DIE!!!'
'But what about friends? Family?
'They don't give two shits, no one ever does.'
I held my head in my hands as I rocked back and forth, silently whispering things That don't make sense.
I didn't know what I was saying until I herd firmilliar lyrics ringing through the air, and it took another few moments those lyrics were coming from my mouth.
"Pain, without love,
Pain, I can't get enough,
Pain, I like it rough,
Cuz I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all~"
More tears streamed down my face and the person I front of my grabbed my hand, removing it from my head and pulling me to my feet.
He gripped me in a tight hug and I just stood in shock.
'What is he doing? Doesn't he hate me like everyone else?'
"Your sick of feeling numb,
Your not the only one.
Trust me and take my hand,
When the lights go out, you'll understand..." He whispered to me.
My eyes went wide as he let go.
He started fading from my vision and I stared on, soon I felt like I was leaving too.
"I'm always here for you,
I know that you'll thank me later~" I hear silently through the old air.
I slowly peeked my eyes open and closed them again, than fluttered them opened and looked at what was in front of me. Or well, above me.
I stared at the red painted ceiling and thought about my life.
God, did it suck.
Might as well tell you, huh?
First, I'm born into the greatest family I could ever have. A few twelve years later, we decide to go to Disney world. Since I lived in California, we took a plane.
While on the plane, I guess a poor bird got sucked up into the engine or it stopped working and we started to descend from the sky, towards the Arizona Desert.
We twisted and turned through the sky, nose first.
I held on tightly to my mom and dads hand. My mom on the left side of me and Das in the right.
Tears silently fell down my face as I turned to both of my parents.
"I love you, and no matter what happens, I'll always be with you." My mom said. My dad nodded his head in agreement and hugged me tightly, my mom joined in on the hug and I closed my eyes tightly.
God, please protect us, I don't care what happens to me, but please watch over my parents. Please. Amen.
I herd the air whistle by the big metal tube, the sand covered ground came closer and closer. But to me it seemed like forever.
The nose of the plane smashed on impact and we lurched forward, making my stomach press against the seatbelt, knocking the breath out of me.
people screamed and cried.
I felt self losing a grip of my parents hands. I cried out and help on tighter.
I got no response of them pulling me up.
My eyes opened wide and I looked beside me, tears spilled over the old ones and I chocked out a sob.
My head whipped to the left of me.
The sight made me dizzy.
I felt my eyes close lightly and darkness wound around my vision.
I felt myself being pulled towards the ceiling of the plane, my hair fell above my head but than it whipped back down as I fell upside down with the rest of the plane.
I didn't care that I was going to die.
My parents... Already did.
Why didn't you protect them? Why? Why... Why... Why....... Live?
My eyes closed and my face relaxed, making a small smile appear on my lips.
I lost myself in those few seconds.
I opened my eyes to find a white tiled ceiling above my head. It moved behind me and zipped in zigzag ways.
I looked to my side and saw doors slide by me. Along with a few people in big white coats and blue scrubs.
I tried to sit up but a belt wrapped around my waist and chest kept me from doing so.
"What's going on?!" I asked wide eyed, wandering over the people above me.
"Sweetie, your in the hospital. We found you five feet away from a devastating plane crash." A blonde girl with blue scrubs said to me.
Ew, blonde.
She already sounded like the little shit she probably already is.
"Yes I know that!!! My parents died in front of my own eyes and I passed the fuck out!!! How the hell did I end up out of the plane!" I yelled to the group of nurses and doctors.
A doctor with brown grizzled hair stepped forward.
"Someone from inside the plane threw you out from a hole in the side. I saw it happen." He told me. I looked into his eyes and found he was looking me in the eyes also.
He was telling the truth.
"What?! That's not what you told me Brady!!!" The blonde yelled really loudly.
"Shut the fuck up you dumb blonde! You'd waking up everyone in this damned hospital!!!" I hissed at her.
She stared at me wide eyed and everyone just nodded.
"We're there any other survivors?" I asked.
They all fidgeted under my gaze.
I sighed. "I'll take that as a no."
"Can someone please undo these straps?" I asked.
"Sorry." One said and brought out a syringe. "But you'll want to sleep through your surgery." He said and grabbed my arm.
My eyes went wide as he pricked my skin with the small needle.
My eyes closed and I fell into a long sleep.
I awoke in the middle of surgery, they worked on my stomach and I got brought to an orphanage, where my dimwit parents adopted me.
My 'dad' usually drinks his nights away, because he can't divorce from the woman he 'loves.' And when he's home he abuses me. Just like my 'mom.'
And here I am. After fighting a lunatic grey spirit.
I stared at the ceiling. I realized my arms were flipped, making the underside face up.
My face became stricken with worry.
No, no, no!! They found out!!! What do I do?! What do I say?!
I herd the sound of multiple footsteps coming towards the door.
I closed my eyes and flipped my arms, pretending to be asleep.
What do I do?!

She lives in only the dark. [pitch black x reader]Where stories live. Discover now