Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Darkness; the only thing I could see. Silence; the only thing I could hear. Nothing; all that surrounded me...

Where are we? I asked my wolf; squinting to see if I could actually find anything to study. I don't know. My wolf mumbled in return. Slowly, I began to hear a faraway beeping gradually penetrating the silence.

My eyelids were so heavy, but I fought to force them open, the light blinding me as I regained the feeling in my fingers. I squinted, as the world finally came into focus, my back resting against something soft.

It felt like my ears were blocked by cotton wads, all the sounds around me muffled as I struggled to assess my body for any pain; finding none as the last memory I had before blacking out, made me panic. Was I taken again?! I thought to myself, looking around. I was in a sterile white room, my body clad in a large, oversized shirt, multiple tubes connected to my hand.

A tube had been put down my throat as well, forcing air into my lungs. Chords clung to my skin everywhere, connected to machinery I couldn’t comprehend. I pulled the breathing pipe out as quickly as I could; trying my best to understand what was going on. I pulled the tubes from my hand and the wires off as well, the monitors beside my bed, from which the beeping had been coming from giving a shrill whine as I watched the line on its screen go flat.

Sitting up, I finally noticed how thirsty I was, reaching for the cup of water on the bedside table. I placed the empty cup back, wiping my lips with the back of my hand as I took a deep breath. We’re alive? I asked slowly, worried that I had assumed so too quickly. I think so, came my wolf’s timid response.

How could that be? I thought to myself; throwing the thin blanket off of my body as I got to my feet, rather unsteadily might I add, as my muscles strained to move after such a long time of immobility. I pulled the collar of my shirt down, my eyes widening as I found the skin of my chest and stomach smooth, not even a scar left from my wounds.

My senses began to return to their usual condition, my nose noticing my mate’s scent on the cloth of the shirt I was wearing. Logan. At the thought of him, my heart swelled with so many emotions that I struggled to understand how that mere name made me feel so much at once.

My heart hammered in my chest as the door to the room flew open, revealing the pack doctor and a whole squad of nurses. His eyes widened with disbelief as he saw me standing there in the middle of the room, the nurses gasping behind him. “Luna?” He mumbled, completely dumbfounded.

“I lived?!” I exclaimed, only waiting long enough to see him nod before I took off running, my wolf leading me to our mate, both of us needing to see him so badly that it hurt. I did my best to keep my bare feet from slipping on the smooth floor of, what I slowly realised, were the hallways of the pack infirmary; passing rooms of injured shifters as I ran to the exit.

I emerged from the building onto a dirt path, the earth slick with mud as if it had just finished raining. The pack members that saw me running shot out of my way with their mouths hanging open in disbelief as they let me pass. I managed to smile at each of them as I passed, forcing my legs to go faster.


I was panting by the time I arrived at the door of the building that had very quickly become my home. I went around back, entering through the kitchen on my tiptoes so that I wouldn’t get too much mud on the floor. I washed my feet in one of the downstairs bathrooms before making my way to the living room, the black jacket thrown over the back of the sofa gaining my attention.

I picked it up, holding it to my chest as I slowly made my way to the stairs, still tracking Logan’s scent. “Logan?” I called, desperate to hear his voice. I found him upstairs in bed, alarm surging through me as I noticed the syringe on his bedside table. Some of my panic ebbed, though not by much, when his gorgeous face scrunched up in pain as he struggled in his sleep.

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