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  The pair, fan and paintbrush, walked up the steep steps of the wooden stairs. The planks creaked beneath their feet, the sunlight shone onto their faces and made their eyes shine, and- what with it being dawn -it was a bit colder than usual.

"How long where we down there?" Fan said, looking towards the setting sun in the distance

"maybe an hour or two?"

They stepped onto the deck, staring out at an endless sea. paintbrush soon turned around, they went to find someone, torch. paintbrush walked around the deck, looking for their daughter. they didn't find her, but, they did indeed find her friend, sitting on the ground, leaning against a pole.

"Oh, hey Compie-" They stopped themselves. they saw she was busying herself with something. "what are you doing?" paintbrush asked gently, sitting next to her.

"working on fixing torch's arm. though, the wood is so badly broken its kinda hard to repair it without any glue..." she answered, she held up the wooden arm, and pointed to the forearm, which, was carelessly snapped in half.

"I know how to woodwork, I can make you a new one." Paintbrush said, offering to help.

"You'd do that?" She asked, a trace of excitement in her voice.

"Why wouldn't I? It's helping torch, is it not?" paintbrush said, smiling.

Compie quickly stood up, ran down to the seller, and came out with logs of wood. she was giggling -like a dork- the entire time. she dropped the logs in front of paintbrush, along with handing them a knife she found.

"Lets do this!" she said,

The next few hours where spent carving off little sheets of wood until it resembled the shape Compie was looking for.  they go to look for torch, which, they found her quickly.

"Oh, hey paints! Hi comps!" she said. she was sitting in a secluded area of the ship. she had a notebook propped up on their lap, as, they where writing something.

"Hi, torch! Me and your dami made you something!" Compie said, she held the wooden arm behind her back. "I'ts not finished, but, it'll do!"

Torch nodded, she had never seen her friend this talk-a-tive in a while, she only does this whenever shes excited, so, they had a good feeling about this present.

"close your eyes!" she said, covering torch's eyes. torch pushed her hands away, and kept their eyes closed, giggling a little underneath their breath. she suddenly felt something attach to their armless shoulder, she instantly knew what it was, but, she didn't want to be rude, so, she acted as if she didn't know what it was.

"Alright, You can open them now!" Compie said, stepping back a little.

Torch opened her eyes, and looked at her new arm. it was more beautiful then the last one, this time, it had little patterns carved into it, like curls an flowers. she gasped and started to move her arm around.

"so, how do you like it?" Paintbrush asked, looking at their daughter.

Torch thought for a moment, then looked at the two with a big smile on their face. "I love it, thank you, guys!" she got up, and hugged them both, tightly. "you guys are the best" she said, bubbly as always. compie slightly blushed, she hugged her friend back.

torch let go a few seconds later, and picked up her notebook again, paintbrush and compie soon left her be, now, with her new arm. well, they where going to.

"wait! I forgot something!" paintbrush said, they left, then came back with the knife. they then walked up to torch. "Can I see your new arm for a second?" Paintbrush asked. Torch nodded, and let Paintbrush do whatever they needed to do. Paintbrush then carved into the palm of torch's wooden hand 'Version 0.1.'

but, when they pulled the knife away, they accidentally cut their own arm. the cut was deep, they didn't notice at first, but, when they did, they started to panic. hot blood dripped on the floorboards.

"bien, merde." they said, looking at the cut. they internally started to have a panic attack.

"Hey! No swearing!" torch said, booping their Dami's non-exsistant nose. "it's just a deep cut, you've done this so many times before, paints. it'll heal up." she said, pointing to the cut, which, was gushing blood.

"오, 안돼." compie added, slightly panicking too.

Paintbrush just stood there, a deep cut in there arm, gushing a lot of blood and, its probably gonna get infected too. they kinda became so panicked that they just froze and just stared at it.

"OH COME ON" Soap yelled from a distance, seeing this happen. "I JUST CLEANED THAT SPOT!" she growled, and walked into the basement to get something, probably cleaning tools.  

Soap yelling at the tree made everyone else on the deck look at the carnage. which, they all started to panic too, because, they didn't want something bad to happen to paintbrush again. which, all this attention, even caught the attention of lightbulb and fan, who, where also on the deck.

fan sighed, and got up. "i'll go get the med kit..." they said, starting towards their office. but, lightbulb grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"Let me do it." she said, seeming a bit desprate.

"What? no, it's my job to help the injured!"

"I know, but, Just let me do it. please."

Fan sighed, then sat back down. he gave lightbulb the key to his office.

"be quick, and don't mess up anything there, I have a system." he said, sarcastically.

Lightbulb nodded, then, she bolted towards fan's office. when she got there, she picked up the first med kit she saw. she quickly then ran out. she looked around, holding the med kit. she saw paintbrush and started walking towards them. this caught everyone's attention, even compie and torch's. paintbrush saw lightbulb, and started to shiver a little.

Lightbulb set the med kit in front of paintbrush, then, she opened it. "let me see your hand" she said, motioning towards the cut, which, was obviously bound to get infected.

Paintbrush nervously nodded, and let Lightbulb see their arm. lightbulb looked at it, then, she started to dis-infect it, then wrap it up. once done, she got up, without saying a single word. she walked past fan, gave him the med kit, then, locked herself in her office.

At that point, everyone was just staring quietly. paintbrush looked down at the wrapped up wound, they then smiled a little.


A few minutes later, Soap came up the creeking stairs, and marched towards paintbrush with a mop and a bucket in hand. she shoved the mop into paintbrush's arms.

"I already cleaned this spot today, i'm not cleaning it again. its your mess, you clean it." she said, she then dropped the bucket of soapy water, then walked off.

 The rest of the time the sun was out, paintbrush spent mopping up their blood.

Sunlight on the waves // II2 Pirate Fantasy AU // Fanfiction // OLDWhere stories live. Discover now