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Paintbrush had been stuck in this cage for weeks on end, now. only getting scraps and leftovers of the food that the crew got for their meals. It was extremely boring in there. but, one day, they saw that the ship was headed for a... familiar fishing boat. paintbrush got a quick glimpse of who was on the boat before it was raided.

they froze. they saw their little girl, torch. she was in danger, and, they had no idea how to help her.

They saw it all go down, their daughter get taken by the ones who captured them, seeing the crew attack the two watching over her and her friend. they didn't see if she was hurt, though. which,they prayed to god that it was minimal.

the ship then took off again, leaving the fishing boat bare, and empty.

for hours, they anxiously attempted their way out. bashing themself against the cage's walls, trying to untie themself, trying anything they thought of. but, nothing worked. plus, they didn't know what they'd do once they get out. the other pirates scarred them a bit, so, they wouldn't have the guts to attack them.

but, a few hours later, feather left the deck, and came back a few minutes later with the ones he just captured. they listened in, and overheard that... they where working on feather's crew now? why though?

after feather was telling them what to do, he sent the four off to work. Paintbrush watched his daughter work. she didn't notice him at all, she just... worked. it was like paintbrush was a ghost, watching over his daughter. eventually, torch turned around, and saw the bird cage.

she stepped closer, and closer, and closer... she then came closer faster, and faster, which turned to a run.

she ran upto the cage, to see their dami. tied up, and looking at torch.

"Paints!" she said reaching trough the golden bars to hug them.

"Paints! Paints! tu m'as tellement manqué, Où irais tu?!"

( "Paints! Paints! I missed you so much, Where'd you go?!" )

"C'est une longue histoire, mais, cela n'a pas d'importance. ESt ce que ça va? vous ont-ils fait mal?"

( "Its a long story, but, that doesn't matter. are you okay? did they hurt you?" )

"Non, ils ne m'ont pas fait mal."

( "No, they didn't hurt me" )

"c'est un soulagement...maintenant, que faisiez-vous au milieu de la mer pendant une tempête?!"

( "Thats a, what were you doing out in the middle of the sea during a storm?!")

"Longue histoire, Paints ...Je suis juste content que tu ne sois pas mort."

( "Long story, Paints... But, I'm just glad you're not dead." )

"Tu es content? Je suis content de te voir après tout ce temps!"

( "You're glad? I'm happy to see you after all this time!" )

the two talked trough tears of pure joy, catching up, laughing a little. then, paintbrush went dead serious.

"Ok, écoute ici, Torch. J'ai besoin que tu viennes sur le vaisseau du capitaine Light, le LBB."

( "Okay, listen here, Torch. I need you to make it to captain Light's ship, The LBB." )

"Quoi? Pourquoi?"

( "What? why?" )

Paintbrush shushed their daughter.

"s'il vous plaît, Torch, faites ce que je dis."

( "please,Torch,Just do as I say." )

Torch gave her Dami a look of confusion, but, then nodded gently, she Hugged them trough the golden bars, squeezing them a little. then, gently letting go.

"Je vais te sortir d'ici. je promets" Torch said, backing away slowly.

("I'll get you out of here. I promise")

She gently wiped the salty tears from her freckled face, and left to continue working.

Sunlight on the waves // II2 Pirate Fantasy AU // Fanfiction // OLDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ